Tag Archives: WWI

George Friedman: A Neocon’s Blatant Speech on U.S.–Exceptionalism and U.S. Single-Handed International Warmongering Rights

Stratfor, a U.S. neocon geopolitical think-tank, should be considered as an extended arm of the United States’ Criminal Information Agency also known as the CIA.  George Friedman, a Jewish Hungarian naturalized U.S. citizen, is the CEO and co-founder of Stratfor: an organization that has often been described as the “Shadow CIA.” Geopolitical News considers Stratfor’s writings and geopolitical views as an unashamed ambassador for the Anglo-American neocon doctrine of worldwide hegemonic dominance or as coined by F. William Engdhal: Full Spectrum Dominance Totalitarian Democracy.

In order to remain a monocentric Empire, Friedman says, the United States of America must make sure, as it has been doing since World War One and for the last hundred years, that a rapprochement between Germany and Russia never takes place. A pluricentric world could threaten the U.S. Empire particularly a Russo-German alliance that would combine Germany’s state of the art technology and Russia’s vast amount of natural resources.

Another U.S. center of neo conservative Anglo American factories is the CCGA: The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. The CCGA is a non-elected, de facto U.S. government agency where renowned world leaders such as John Kerry, former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Dr. Angela Merkel have all held speeches.  

In George Friedman’s CCGA speech, “Europe — Destined for Conflict?” (February 3rd of 2015), Friedman cynically touches on very sensitive nerves when straightforwardly admitting that the U.S. coup d’état in Ukraine was the “most blatant coup in history.” Two main points emerge from Friedman’s speech: 1. Creation of a European cordon sanitaire between Western Europe and Russia. 2. Prevention of a rapprochement thus détente and cooperation between Russia and Germany.

1. Creation of a European cordon sanitaire

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U.S. policy of containment encircling Russia

Cordon sanitaire according Wikipedia “is a French phrase that, literally translated, means ‘sanitary cordon’. It originally denoted a barrier implemented to stop the spread of infectious diseases. It may be used interchangeably with the term ‘quarantine’, and although the terms are related, cordon sanitaire refers to the restriction of movement of people within a defined geographic area, such as a community. The term is also often used metaphorically, in English, to refer to attempts to prevent the spread of an ideology deemed unwanted or dangerous.” 

French Prime Minister George Clémenceau (1917—1920) is credited with the first use of the phrase as a metaphor for ideological containment. In March 1919, he urged the newly independent border states that had seceded from Russian Empire and Soviet Russia to form a defensive union and thus quarantine the spread of communism to Western Europe: he called such an alliance a cordon sanitaire. As a native speaker of French, I can only underline the arrogance and rudeness of such geopolitical choice of words. 


George Friedman speaking at the CCGA

Getting back to George Friedman’s CCGA speech and the Q&A session that followed, let’s review Friedman’s answer to an attendee’s first question:

(44:50) “Mr. Friedman, thank you for your analysis very much appreciated. If you are in Ukraine right now, and you are the Ukrainian government . . . or the people . . . what do you do? . . . What is next for Ukraine?”

(46:44 —48:10) George Friedman’s answer: “. . . He [ Lt.Gen. Ben Hodges, Commander U.S. Army Europe ] then left and announced . . . that the U.S. will be pre-positioning armor, artillery and other equipment in the Baltic [Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania], Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, which is a very interesting point . . . In all of this, the United States acted outside the context of NATO . . . So the point is, the United States is prepared to create a cordon sanitaire around Russia. Russia knows it, Russia believes the United States intends to break the Russian Federation; I think that, as Peter Lorry put it, ‘We do not want to kill you, we just want to hurt you a little bit.’ Either way, we are back in the [Cold War] old game (emphasis Geopolitical News) . . .

2. Prevention of a rapprochement between Russia and Germany

The second question asked is of quintessential importance because it nails the U.S. perspectives vis à vis its European geopolitical ambitions:

(53:17 — 53:34) Attendee question: “is Islamist extremism really the major threat to the USA and will it die on its own or will it keep growing?”

George Friedman’s answer: “It is a problem to the United States but it is not an existential threat; it has to be dealt with but it has to be dealt with proportionately; we have other foreign policy interests. Sothe primordial interest of the United States of America, over which for centuries we fought wars, First and Second and Cold War, has been the relationship between Germany and Russia because united they are the only force that could threaten us, and to make sure that does not happen (emphasis Geopolitical News), I say this as a possible victim of Islamic terrorism, it will happen … Even if we develop all of our efforts to preventing it, we will fail therefore if we do what we did in a decade after 9/11, which is utterly concentrate on that issue to the exclusion of all else, so that our army cannot fight unless it has sand under its feet, just not used to it, there are much larger dangers to the United States out there. It is very difficult to say to a country that has been hit by 9/11: take it in stride and no government can. But, the discipline of governance is that, while at the same time reassuring people that you are doing everything you can, you make sure you are not. . You are making as much as you reasonably should and our government… We have to remember the United States is like a fifteen year old, it’s manic depressive, in the morning it is love peace, love and happiness, at night it is suicidal because their best friend does not like them anymore: We are a very young empire we don’t even want to think about being an empire. We want to go home and have libertarian dreams: it won’t happen but it takes us a very long time to become mature. Georges Bush had not idea that his presidency was going to be about 9/11 and had no idea how to respond and neither did his critics. Barack Obama decided he could wish it all away. If he was nice, they won’t try to blow him up. We have to find a pattern of governance that combines an American Republic with what it never wanted to be, but we are almost one quarter of the world’s economy; we are going to piss people off a lot.”

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In other words, the goal of the United States of America with its annual military budget exceeding 600 billion USD (more than all other nations’ military budgets combined) is to achieve the Pentagon’s Joint Vision 2020 of a unipolar world of full spectrum dominance: divide and conquer, Divide Et Impera.

George Friedman’s neocon views are sharp and high-pitched, cynical and arrogant, particularly when criticizing the U.S. wasting time and resources on a “Muslim threat” that does not qualify as an existential one! So one could and should ask: why on earth is the U.S. “allegedly fighting terrorism” in so many countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen via its proxy Saudi Arabia?

( to be continued…)

for Geopolitical News: Bruno P. Gebarski

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Filed under Angela Merkel, Bolshevik Revolution, Color Revolution, Corruption, Coup d'état, Fascism, Geopolitics, George Friedman, George Soros, Geostrategy, Germany, NATO, Neo Con, NWO, Russia, Terrorism, Ukraine, USA, Vladimir Putin, WWI, WWIII

Parallels between Pre-WWI and Pre-World-War Three | How France and Britain Were Threatened by the German Empire | Part One

One of the oldest currencies in the history of mankind is the British Pound going all the way back to Anglo Saxon times in the 8th Century A.D. “. . . From 760 onward till around 1158, pennies were made from the finest silver that the Crown could get, as opposed to today’s pennies made from copper or metal. The sterling pound (in French: £ivre Sterling), in terms of the word was introduced in 1158 because over 90% of it was made from silver itself. The first gold noble coin was introduced into Britain in 1344. The shilling was introduced in 1487, while a new version of the pound was revealed in 1489. As you can see the changes from the 760 to the 1489 shows how quick currency has evolved as the monarchy asserted itself as the leader of how currency should be used. Gold has always been an important part of British currency history as in this period; it was also used to finance whatever was needed in the country by the aristocracy and the gentry . . .credit: peachy.co.uk

By the end of the 19th century, after Germany finally clobbered France in the 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian war, the newly created German Empire started reuniting under Kaiser Wilhelm II’s leadership (1888 to 1918), thus creating an economic threat to globalists empire-hungry Britain and France.  As a reaction to this German-Austrian trade threat aka trade war, Britain, with its Merchandise Marks Act of 1887 gave birth to the “Made in Germany” label. “. . . This label was originally introduced in Britain . . . to mark foreign produce more obviously, as foreign manufactures had been falsely marking inferior goods with the marks of renowned British manufacturing companies and importing them into the United Kingdom. Most of these were found to be originating from Germany, whose government had introduced a protectionist policy to legally prohibit the import of goods in order to build up domestic industry.”

The British Law “Made in Germany” was initially supposed to achieve two things:

  1. Stamp imported German products as third rated and of inferior quality
  2. Promote “British Craftsmanship” to British citizenry 

___Screen Shot 08-17-17 at 04.01 PMbbbToday, very few Germans acknowledge the fact that Germany owes their world renowned “Made in Germany” stamp of quality, which initially was intended as a stamp of third-rateness, to Britain.  By the late 19th century, Britain was becoming an industrial cul-de-sac or a business dwarf compared to the newly created German Empire and its 1882 Triple Alliance with Austria and Italy.

It was the German economy that threatened Britain and France prior to the start of World War One and certainly not the other way around as French and British history books would like us to believe. It was Britain that was becoming a bankrupt “World Empire” as British Gold supplies (British Pound backed up by Gold until 1914) were melting like snow in the sun, to the profit of Germany’s economy, which became a threat to Britain.   

It is worth noticing that Britain had enjoyed a British Pound, first backed up by silver and later on by gold until the gold standards were removed first time in 1914.  By the end of the 19th century, Britain’s economy was going from bad to worse, forced to borrow from its Central Bank to finance a much needed war that was supposed, as Winston Churchill would later on say during World War One, ” [to] smash the strength of the German people once and for all.”

Due to late nineteen century inequality of trade between Britain and the new kid around the block Germany, Britain was losing much of its gold. thus threatening the British Empire to its very core. Why did Britain and France, via the Dictate of Versailles, claimed 132 billion gold marks  (USD 450 billion in today’s dollars) from Germany? Gold Marks: not paper money as issued by the Bank of England established in 1694. Britain’s five centuries of ongoing wars with France, from the Hundred Years War in 1337 to the 1815 Napoleonic wars, had already left major scars on its economy.  

Anti-Germanistic feelings have often been expressed by duplicitous France but also hypocritical Britain. “Even today, American and British media concentrates what scant attention it bestows on anything German almost completely from a negative perspective until the point where the very word “German” is synonymous with ‘bad.’ German historical figures of greatness are rarely mentioned or their contributions are ignored, “misappropriated” or minimized. We are subjected to hundreds of dated British serials and sit-coms on public television which obsess about evil ‘Germans.'” Source: www.revisionist.net

Let’s take a quick look at the British Automobile industry. Is there such a thing? Where are the fine “Made in Britain” Automobiles such as Daimler Benz, BMW (Bayerische Motor Werke), Audi, Volkswagen (VW) and Porsche? Where do we find “Made in England” craftsmanship in this 21st century?

Pre-WWI Britain became so fearful of the German Empire that its elite planned its utter destruction. Outrageous right? Well let Geopolitical News remind you of renowned World War I and II veteran and co-conspirator of the Lusitania’s sinking (Part One and Part Two) by the Germans: Winston Churchill’s quote on the Germans:  

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It is worth remembering that by the 1880’s, the newly create German Empire had caught up with the wealth of Britain, the 19th Century Industrial Revolution leader, to even surpass British steel production and the length of Britain’s railroad tracks. The German navy, thanks to the creation of its Imperial Navy started challenging the British one, thus the manufacturing of one of the world’s fastest sailing vessels at that time: the RMS Lusitania. Later on, the British navy transformed its RMS Lusitania into a warship that would end up being sunk by a German submarine near the coast of Ireland on May the seventh of 1915 (Part One and Part Two.)

Similar to Pre-WWI Britain and France struggling with their economies and threatened by industrial German powerhouse, London, Paris and Washington are again losing their industrial and financial footing; not only towards China (manufacturing most Western goods) and Russia (exporting raw materials) but also towards industrious and thrifty Germany. 

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The US Dollar, which became the world reserve currency after the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreements is dying of a slow death as reflected by international crude oil prices.

The Petrodollar was introduced by the US to the Saudis in 1974 following an oil crisis induced a year earlier by U.S. Envoy Henry Kissinger with the quadrupling of oil prices from three US Dollar to twelve US Dollar a barrel.

(to be continued…)

Bruno Gebarski for Geopolitical News

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Filed under Central Banking, Corruption, Coup d'état, Fascism, France, Geopolitics, Geostrategy, Germany, IMF, Neo Con, Prussia, Russia, Uncategorized, USA, WWI, WWII, WWIII

Fifteen Years of Western NATO and US-led “Terror Management” | NATO’s Totalitarian Expansion | Neo-Conservatism | NGOs and Color Revolutions

EU_Gorbachev_EUSSIn the previous blog article, we reviewed how post WWI U.S. replaced the British Empire with the start of the private Federal Reserve and post WWII 1944 Bretton Woods agreements with the establishment of the U.S. Dollar as world currency; the 1971 de-pegging of the USD from gold, the 1973 Rockefeller’s crude oil quadrupled price heist also known as “Oil Crisis”, the 1989 Berlin wall events that reunited Germany and triggered the destruction of the Union of the Socialist States of Russia (USSR) and the promise the United States made to the Soviet Union (now Russia) not to use German Reunification as an opportunity for NATO‘s expansion.

Totalitarian Democracies | Neocolonialism | Color Revolutions

Why would the United States of America embarrass its Western European allies and break its promise? A few months later, on March the 12th of 1999, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland became full members of NATO. In 2004, on March the 29th, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia joined the ranks of NATO, and last but not least, Albania and Croatia in 2009!

Color Revolution is a neocolonialism form of 21st century warfare! I would like to suggest color revolutions as a  cyber- or net-centric digital warfare form of the old fashioned coup d’état. Why digital? Because the U.S. army, transnational crime organizations and NGOs, among others, use social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, ask.fm, Tumblr in a highly sophisticated and coordinated manner (flashmobs) to disseminate their propaganda via social swarming:

“Tweeting the Arab Spring? That’s so 2010. A future tactic in cyber-based-information warfare is built upon mobile-media wielding e-citizen soldiers employing social swarming tactics to overwhelm a system, a decision maker, or a critical node. These mobile networks are vital to starting and maintaining cyber-based insurgency, drawing physical and moral strength from super-empowered individuals, while also using super-connected-individual networks to spread information, move undetected, and muster support, constantly one step ahead of authorities. It is possible for this swarm to move from the online world into the real world where violence may ensue.” (source: usacac.army) It is one of the many venues Western totalitarian democracies (such as the U.S. and its EU vassal state) use. Totalitarian democracy is a term that F. William Engdahl coined in his challenging book: “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order.”
In the articleNeo-Cons for human rights” Tony Cartalucci makes a very insightful statement about Neo-Conservatism: “As counter-intuitive as it may sound, a great deal of Neo-Conservatives are deeply involved in human rights. One may wonder in what capacity, since this war mongering clique of big-business connected scoundrels is renowned for its role in the most unprecedented, flagrant, and grievous human rights violations in American history.”
The United States of America, NATO and the European Union use some of the following tools and tactics (alphabetically ordered)
  • Balkanisation of target countries and regions
  • Central Banking such as the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England (BoE) and Bank of Japan (BoJ)
  • Color Revolutions: Serbia/Kosovo, Georgia and Ukraine
  • Media propaganda via Western Press under U.S. CIA control
  • NATO as an international tool of neocolonialism expansion
  • Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Social Media propaganda (Kosovo and Egypt) used by the military
  • Social Swarming military techniques (flachmobs, e-citizens)
  • War on Terror: a fictitious enemy that can be created any where any time with U.S. | Western | Saudi | Israeli army subsidiaries such as Al Qaeda, ISIS, IS, ISIL, Daesh or Blackwater: One of the many (170) private mercenaries firms employed by the U.S. during the war in Iraq.

to expand their geopolitical reach, sphere of “influence” and financial “thiefdom.” Just like the old communist iron curtain exemplified by the Berlin Wall, a similar “EU-Financial Wall” has been raised with the single European currency. As Prof. Dr. Politics_F_Friedrich.Hayek_ServitudeWilhelm Hankel used to say: Nineteen men of different heights and statures cannot expect a tailor to cut them one single suit to fit them all!” This is what the EUR is supposed to be; in the long term the EUR can only “survive” under the terms of financial fascism and slavery countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and France are already experiencing.

Colored revolutions always occur in a nation with strategic, natural resources: gas, oil, military bases and geopolitical interests. And they also take place in countries with socialist-leaning, anti-imperialist governments. The movements promoted by US agencies in those countries are generally anti-communist, anti-socialist, pro-capitalist and pro-imperialist.” writes international lawyer and consultant Eva Golinger In her article “Colored Revolutions, a New Form of Régime Change Made in the USA:”

“In 1983, the strategy of overthrowing inconvenient governments and calling it ‘democracy promotion’ was born. Through the creation of a private ‘foundations’ also known as Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)” such as:

  • Canva: Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies
  • Albert Einstein Institution (AEI): Advancing freedom through non violent action”
  • Freedom House: 75 years championing democracy
  • International Center for Non-Violent Conflict (ICNC): “Nonviolent conflict is a way for people to fight for rights”
  • International Republican Institute (IRI): “Advancing Democracy Worldwide” (Board of directors: John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Brent Scowcroft)
  • National Democratic Institute (NDI): “Support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide”
  • National Endowment for Democracy (NED): “Supporting freedom around the world freedom, justice, self-determination, and accountable government, through the use of civil resistance”
  • Project for the New American Century (PNAC)
  • USAID: “We partner to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity”


” . . . The Washington régime filters funding and strategic aid to political parties and groups abroad that promotes U.S. agenda in nations with insubordinate governments.” Golinger goes on to say: “Behind all these ‘foundations’ and ‘institutes’ is the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the financial branch of the Department of State. Today, USAID has become a critical part of the security, intelligence and defense axis in Washington. In 2009, the Inter-agency Counterinsurgency Initiative became official doctrine in the US. Now, USAID is the principal entity that promotes the economic and strategic interests of the US across the globe as part of counterinsurgency operations. Its departments dedicated to transition initiatives, reconstruction, conflict management, economic development, governance and democracy are the main venues through which millions of dollars are filtered from Washington to political parties, NGOs, student organizations and movements that promote US agenda worldwide. Wherever a coup d’état, a colored revolution or a regime change favorable to US interests occurs, USAID and its flow of dollars is there.”

 Geopolitics_F_Real.Threat.for.EU.peace.USASo what are color revolutions? According Golinger: “. . . The procedure is often the same. Sponsored students and youth movements lead the way with a new face, attracting others to join in as though it were the fashion, the cool thing to do. There’s always a logo, a color, a marketing strategy. In Serbia, the group OTPOR, which led the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic, hit the streets with t-shirts, posters and flags boasting a fist in black and white, their symbol of resistance. In Ukraine, the logo remained the same, but the color changed to orange. In Georgia, it was a rose-colored fist, and in Venezuela, instead of the closed fist, the hands are open, in black and white, to add a little variety.”

Vladimir Putting stated: “Today almost un-contained hyper use of military force in international relations is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts.” Adds Russian General L. Ivashov: “Terrorism is simply a new type of war in order to install a unipolar world, a pretext to establish the rule of a world élite.”

Bruno P. Gebarski

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Filed under Angela Merkel, Blackwater, Central Banking, Color Revolution, Corruption, Coup d'état, Facebook, Fascism, Geopolitics, Germany, Middle East, Mikhail Gorbachev, NATO, NED, Neo Con, NGO, NWO, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russia, Sergey Lavrov, Social Media, Twitter, Ukraine, USA, Vladimir Putin, YouTube

France, Britain, Israel and U.S. deep rooted hatred towards Germany | Earnest Albert Hooton | Theodore N. Kaufman | Louis Nizer

An alliance between Russia and Germany has always made sense: German engineering, excellence of manufacturing to the minutest detail, German craftsmanship respectfully acknowledged by the French as the result of “la rigueur allemande”: German precision and exactness. But let’s look at the Larousse definition of the French word rigueur:

  • Trait of a person, or something that distinguishes himself/itself with exactitude, logic and perfect precision
  • Behaving with severity and inflexibility
  • Excessive as of a rule, obligation or action
  • Character, discipline, staying the course, uncompromising: my personal understanding of the French word rigueur in connection to Germany

I’d like to suggest: German precision with disciplined exactitude as an English translation for the French expression: la rigueur allemande.

The first three definitions came from the French Larousse dictionary (a French institution similar to l’Académie Française (French Academy). I don’t quite agree with excessive; however, severity and inflexibility are a possible negative side of “rigueur” as often perceived by the much more lenient and flexible French, who often are ready to compromise “to get a job done.” The word rigueur has also an intrinsic/built-in meaning of character, discipline, staying the course and not compromising; as opposed to the renowned French “system D” we seem to be so good at!

The French system D is probably the opposite of “la rigueur allemande!” The letter “D” being a charming French euphemism for the verb “se démerder” (French slang) which literally means de-shitting oneself or getting oneself out of a shitty situation one might have been suddenly confronted with! Possessing both cultures and more than 28 years of German residency (while pretending to be fluent in German), I perceive the French expression “la rigueur allemande” as a French (and international) acknowledgement of the high level of German industrial and technological workmanship.

Clipboard_Image 026The French army may not necessarily be an institution the international observer would perceive as having “German precision and disciplined exactitude!” There is a German joke about French tanks: “When do French tanks get to see the front line? With their rear view mirrors.” As a matter of fact the (unofficial) French Resistance (Résistance française) did more damage to the invading Nazis than the official French army. As a German neighbor told me once: “Do you know why France has trees along its roads? . . . “So we Germans can march in the shade.” There is a plethora of French army jokes such as:

  • How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? Nobody knows, it’s never been tried.
  • Why don’t they have fireworks at Euro Disney? Because every time they shoot them off, the French try to surrender.
  • How many gears does a French tank have? Four reverse and one forward, in case the enemy attacks from the rear: my all time favorite.
  • What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up? The Army.

“The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from ‘Run’ to ‘Hide.’ The only two higher levels in France are ‘Collaborate’ and ‘Surrender.’ The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France’s white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country’s military capability.” from Alert To Threats in Europe by John Cleese

When I was working as an Export Director for a mid size Bavarian (Franconian) company, not far from Nuremberg, I preferred the comfort of a French Citroën to the traditional Audi/Benz or BMW:  I once heard one of our managers telling someone: “Oh . . . Citroën . . . French cars . . . He [yours truly] should know . . . They already rust in the catalogue!…” Renault, Citroen or Peugeot don’t rust anymore (as they used to in the 70s) but never match(ed) the aura of a “Made in Germany” BMW, Audi or Mercedes Benz!

“Made in Germany” deserves a short visit. In the 1880s, Britain was Europe’s Industrial Revolution flagship. However, Britain was losing ground to Germany being inundated with “cheaper German goods,” similar to how we perceived “made in China” in the 80’s and 90’s. The 23rd of August 1887 marked the birth of “Made in Germany.” A British trademark law from the merchandise Marks Act imposed by Britain for all imported German products, which had to carry the label Made in Germany.” Britain meant this trademark as a mean to downgrade German goods but it eventually turned out to be the exact opposite! German industrialists owe the origin of Made in Germany to Britain.

In all seriousness, there has been and still is an ongoing conspiracy against the German people, particularly prior to WWI and onward. Folks like Earnest Albert Hooton, Theodore N. Kaufman and Louis Nizer are three renowned Anglo Saxon “stars” who outwardly promoted and encouraged a German ethnic cleansing aka genocide.

Professor Earnest Albert Hooton (1887 — 1954) was a U.S. anthropologist and Professor at Harvard University.

In his article “Breed War Strain Out of Germans” in the New York daily newspaper P.M. from January 4, 1943, “Sir” Earnest Albert Hooton (also notorious for his anti-Semitic written rants) laid out an “out-breeding” plan that would destroy German nationalism and aggressive ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities. Where did Hooton acquire such pathological and evil anti-German hatred: In the U.S.A. or while studying in Britain at Oxford University?

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New York daily newspaper P.M. from January 4, 1943

“Our distinguished” Harvard University professor’s proposal was calling for “genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers [doesn’t this remind us of Germany’s 2015 migrant invasion?] and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women. Ten to twelve million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies . . . The objects of this measure,” wrote Dr. Hooton, “include reduction of the birthrate of ‘pure’ Germans, neutralization of German aggressiveness by ‘out breeding’ and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.”

Theodore N. Kaufman (1911 — 1986) and his publication: “Germany Must Perish”

Clipboard_Image 021“Theodore N. Kaufman, the author of Germany Must Perish, was a Manhattan-born Jewish [Zionist] businessman who was also chairman of a group that called itself the ‘American Federation for Peace (sic).’ [The following lines will prove the veracity of Kaufman’s understanding of the word peace.] The first edition of Germany Must Perish was published in 1940 or early 1941. A second, 96-page edition, which sold for 25 cents, was published in 1941 by Argyle Press of Newark, New Jersey. Both editions were issued when the United States was still officially neutral, that is, before the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7, 1941. Theodore N. Kaufman’s fervent proposal for the systematic sterilization of the entire German population was given respectful attention in the American press, including reviews in a number of newspapers. A review in the weekly Time magazine, March 24, 1941, called Kaufman’s plan a ‘sensational idea.’”

Theodore N. Kaufmann: Chairman of the “American Federation for Peace”: “The most practical and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon the German nation. Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution must be ruled out [how gracious and civilized of you Sir Kaufmann!]. In addition to being impractical when applied to a population of some seventy million, such methods are inconsistent with the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Germanism — and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.”

Louis Nizer (1902 — 1994): American trial lawyer and senior partner of the law firm Phillips, Nizer, Benjamin, Krim & Ballon.

Clipboard_Image 022‘In 1945 some particularly clever American Jews published the occupation guidebook What to do with Germany 1945, distributed by special service forces, army services forces, U.S. army.  The directive was based on a book of the same title by Louis Nizer  [What To Do With Germany], which was published in 1944 and is posted on the Internet. Louis Nizer, a wealthy Jewish lawyer from New York with close ties to the White House, was a colleague of Theodore Kaufmann, (author of Germany Must Perish), and of Henry Morgenthau, FDR’s [Franklin Delano Roosevelt] Secretary of the Treasury and the author of the Morgenthau Plan [more about the Morgenthau Plan in a following blog article] . . . Louis Nizer argued that ‘instead of de-industrializing Germany and reducing its population through starvation and sterilization, the USA should benevolently ‘lobotomize the Germans culturally, educationally and psychologically.'”

Sir Louis Nizer went on to say: “The French were accustomed to saying, ‘we must destroy Germany or make peace with her and to destroy her is an absurdity.’ But as the French have since learned, it is not easy to make peace with her. Others, stirred to consuming hatred by German brutalities, suggest that they be destroyed as a race by eugenic sterilization. They argue that . . . sterilization of the German people might similarly be considered a protective measure to immunize the world forever against the virus of Germanism . . . Vasectomy, the operation on the male, simply requires a slight incision since the sperm duct lies just beneath the skin. The operation takes only ten minutes to perform and the patient may resume work immediately afterwards . . . There are about 25 million German men and women within the procreation ages, and it is estimated that twenty thousand surgeons performing about twenty-five operations daily could sterilize the entire male population of Germany within three months. At the normal death rate of two per cent per annum or one and a half million people yearly, the German people would practically disappear within two generations.”

In the following installment, we shall review the war crimes of (Western) leaders such as Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.

Bruno P. Gebarski

Additional  reading:

  • Versailles (1919): German-humiliating peace treaty from Allies France, Britain & US | Versailles Two: 1945 | Versailles Three: 1993 | Versailles Four: 2015 (Part 12)
  • Britain & U.S. Pre-WWI “Terror Management” | Winston Churchill | The Reichsbank, The Federal Reserve & The Lusitania Trap (Part 11)
  • Britain & U.S. Pre-WWI “Terror Management” | The British and German Navies | The Lusitania Trap (Part 10)
  • Western NATO and U.S.-led geopolitical duplicity (1949 — 2016) | MittelEuropa, Lebensraum and U.S.-Vassal State Germany (Link)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany 1871 – 1914 | German Gold Mark | German Industrial Revolution (part 9)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Organized Migrant invasion | Asylum Industry | NGOs‘ Online Traveling Advice & Migrant Handbooks (Part 8)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany’s Migrant Sexual Crimes: unintended consequences or organized consequence? (part 7)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration | Libyan Gold | The Trail of a French Tale (Part 6)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Coercion and Weapons of Mass Migration: coming Full Circle (Part 5)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, and Weapons of Mass Migration, Forced Displacement and Eugenics (Part 4)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement and Coercion (Part 3)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Al Qaeda and ISIS as secret U.S. CIA assets (Part 2)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, 911 and Afghanistan (Part 1)
  • Will the abrupt change of U.S. policy towards Syria prove the demise of NATO’s Western Alliance? (link)
  • The Six-Step U.S. Strategy For Violent Regime Takeover (Link)





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Filed under Angela Merkel, Corruption, Earnest Albert Hooton, Eugenics, Fascism, France, French Resistance, Germany, Louis Nizer, Migrant, NATO, NWO, Paris, Prussia, Theodore N. Kaufman, USA, Winston Churchill, WWI, WWII

Versailles (1919): German-humiliating peace treaty from Allies France, Britain & US | Versailles Two: 1945 | Versailles Three: 1992 | Versailles Four: 2015

Interesting to review the cataclysmic and systemic breakdown the Kingdom of Prussia has been forced to face with ongoing warmongers criminals such as French King Louis the XIV, (Thirty-Year-War 1618 — 1848): One of the architects of the bloodiest war the European continent has ever faced with more casualties than WWI and WWII combined; followed years later by Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeat after Prussian General Commander Johan David Ludwig Graf Yorck von Wartenburg (1759 — 1830) finally switched from a French Alliance to a Russian alliance during the War of the Six Coalition that crushed the First French Empire in the famous battle of Waterloo and its victorious side mistakenly credited to Britain.

Germans and Jews have something in common: both folks could be seen as the scapegoats of history: One fitly squeezed in Mittel Europa while the other is entrenched in the Middle East! Both nations are hated and loved, admired and feared, respected but repeatedly destroyed by their allies: France (the most duplicitous of all), Britain and the United States of America. Is not Steve Crawshaw who said: “German suffering and Jewish suffering are not equal . . . They are, however, both real?” Let’s not forget German-British sociologist Ralf Gustav Dahrendorf’s profound words: “German problems are rarely German problems alone.”

I have been living in Germany for almost 30 years and can confirm that anything technical, scientific or musical Germans undertake turns out in a masterpiece of Excellency. The musical heritage of Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (I personally consider German since he was born in Augsburg from German parents) and Ludwig van Beethoven is nothing less than the trait of three musical geniuses to whom Superstar Opera composer Richard Wagner should definitely be added. Giuseppe Verdi himself was discouraged about his own work when considering Richard Wagner’s phenomenal musical writing skills.

One might say that France had Hector Berlioz (symphony Fantastique) Maurice Ravel (of all things influenced [Piano Concerto in G] by U.S. composer George Gershwin and his masterwork: Rhapsody in Blue), and Claude Debussy:  Both masters of Impressionism. Britain might have had Benjamin Britten but the musical foundation goes back to Germany with Bach, Mozart and Beethoven. No way around them.

After Prussia finally defeated France, post 1870s did set the stage for the German industrial revolution that almost started 100 years after Britain! At the beginning of the 20th century Germany had more railway track than Britain or France, the German navy was challenging the British one which did not go well with our British and French neighbors feeling challenged and humiliated. So here we go: The stage was set for Germany to be destroyed, not because of its alleged “war mongering,” as western history propaganda would have us to believe, but because of the strength of the German people and most important of all, the fact that between 1870 and 1914

German wealth had NOT been borrowed from the Central Bank of England!

Remember what Churchill said about Germany? After the Lusitania ordeal and the deaths Churchill was also personally responsible for:

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Listening to Western Presstitutes propagandists, Der (The) Spiegel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Le Monde, El Pais, The Guardian or The Daily Telegraph, one could think that the European fascists political parties are Marine Le Pen’s Front National, Nigel Farage’s UKIP or Geert Wilders‘ Partij voor de Vrijheid – PVV: Party for Freedom or German Pegida and AFD (Alternative für Deutschland) when actually the real danger comes directly from London, Paris, Berlin and particularly the non-elected EU-fascists in Brussels!

Thanks to the migrant crisis, initiated by the US, France and Britain, (see “Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led Terror management” part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7  and part 8) the social degradation of Germany will further the European fascist super state while causing great harm to our German (European) country(ies), bringing in violence (German New year’s Eve events) and the termination of our national sovereignty and democracies.

The German migrant crisis is completely staged and backed up by the Western propaganda machine, in particular the hired German Presstitutes. In all, expect 1.5 to 2.0 million of this human tsunami to hit Germany again this year. This year alone the arrival of migrants has increased by 132 per cent compared to 2015: They come from the Middle East and North Africa, but also Afghanistan. As in past episodes, France, Britain and the United States are behind this project. Notice that France and Britain are only accepting each twenty thousand for 2015 and another twenty thousand for 2016. What a coincidence!

Remember sociopath Dr. Thomas P. M. Barnett? Dr. Barnett advocates the “manufacturing of a European Negroid or Mongroid race: People too dumb to understand but strong enough to work but those who do not agree should be killed.” The whole project is financed by the Soros NGOs, as shown by Austrian Government Intelligence all this supported by German historian Professor Mag. Dr. Phil. Michael Vogt’s brilliant analysis (quer-denken.tv): “Destabilization with weapons of mass migration.” (Destabilisierung mittels der Migrationswaffe,) which strongly reminds us of Kelly M. Greehill’s work on the topic:  Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs) 1st Edition.

As a centerpiece to this hypothesis. Remember the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. It brought great humiliation to Germany because of France, Britain, and the US with coordinated actions. I hereby suggest that to date, Germany has had three additional Versailles-type events on the historical record.

— 1. Versailles (Original 1919 Version): set the stage for the German Nazi regime and World War II

— 2. Versailles Two (1945) and the final replacement of the Morgenthau plan with the Marshall Plan. The partitioning of Germany by the US and Russia. In its aftermath, U.S. Military General Patton was murdered because he did not agree with waiting for the Soviets to reach Berlin.

— 3. Versailles Three with the inaction of the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht French President François Mitterrand declared: “Maastricht is Versailles without the war.” (Maastricht c’est Versailles sans la guerre. —French President François Mitterrand)

— 4. Versailles Four on September the fourth of 2015 as the corrupt globalist tool German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on EU Commission instructions opened the German boarders unilaterally without any legislative accord. Merkel’s action was a pure fascist deed, like most actions done by the European leaders in Brussels.

Angela Merkel has thus declared the German State obsolete and shattered; she has destroyed the German constitution without any legislative consultation while supporting a  German (and European) genocide as promoted by Dr. Thomas P. M. Barnett in his two macabre books: The Pentagon’s New Map and Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating. Kelly M. Greehill:  Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs) sheds more light on a war practice that has has been used many times before.

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Much more material needs to be written about France and Britain’s duplicity and treacherous behavior towards Germany (and Israel) throughout their respective history! Germany is not disappearing fast enough; the “melting process” as envisaged by Post World War II fascist monolithic EU-supporters did not suddenly die with the Marshall plan! Many fascists disguising themselves as democrats have pleaded in favor of a European fascist super state as we have it today: Alfred Toepfer, Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Roy Jenkins, Angela Merkel, all have contributed to the fascist European super-state as thoroughly covered in Rodney Atkinson’s excellent presentation: Fascist origins of the EU super state.

Bruno P. Gebarski

Further Reading:

  • Britain & U.S. Pre-WWI “Terror Management” | Winston Churchill | The Reichsbank, The Federal Reserve & The Lusitania Trap (Part 11)
  • Britain & U.S. Pre-WWI “Terror Management” | The British and German Navies | The Lusitania Trap (Part 10)
  • Western NATO and U.S.-led geopolitical duplicity (1949 — 2016) | MittelEuropa, Lebensraum and U.S.-Vassal State Germany (Link)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany 1871 – 1914 | German Gold Mark | German Industrial Revolution (part 9)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Organized Migrant invasion | Asylum Industry | NGOs‘ Online Traveling Advice & Migrant Handbooks (Part 8)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany’s Migrant Sexual Crimes: unintended consequences or organized consequence? (part 7)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration | Libyan Gold | The Trail of a French Tale (Part 6)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Coercion and Weapons of Mass Migration: coming Full Circle (Part 5)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, and Weapons of Mass Migration, Forced Displacement and Eugenics (Part 4)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement and Coercion (Part 3)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Al Qaeda and ISIS as secret U.S. CIA assets (Part 2)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, 911 and Afghanistan (Part 1)
  • Will the abrupt change of U.S. policy towards Syria prove the demise of NATO’s Western Alliance? (link)
  • The Six-Step U.S. Strategy For Violent Regime Takeover (Link)

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Filed under Angela Merkel, Fascism, France, Geopolitics, George Soros, Geostrategy, Germany, Migrant, Morgenthau Plan, Prussia, Refugees, Russia, USA, Winston Churchill, WWI, WWII

Britain & U.S. Pre-WWI “Terror Management” | Winston Churchill | The Reichsbank, The Federal Reserve & The Lusitania Trap (Part Two)

After having won the 1871 war against France, Germany transformed its 300 entities, duchies and city states into a more unified country. In 1876. Germany also started its own central bank, the Reichsbank issuing a Goldmark independently from the Rothschild and Rockefeller central banks criminals of London and Paris. This rapidly allowed Germany to grow enough financial and industrial wealth to become a major European geopolitical and geo-financial power thus threat to both France and Britain.

By 1900, Germany had become the largest steel producer in Europe (1913 steel production: Germany: 19,3 million tons. Britain: 10.4 million tons) with more railway tracks than Britain or France. In 1903, the Naval race between Britain and Germany led the British Navy to build the Lusitania: Coined the “Greyhound of the Seas”, the Lusitania was to become the fastest Atlantic Crossing and to compete with the German Hapag, which dated back to 1847, and Norddeutscher Lloyd (NDL) or North German Lloyd (NGL) formed in 1856.

The Lusitania made her first trip from Liverpool to New York in September 1907. Right before WWI the Lusitania had been transformed for war. Ammunition magazines and concealed gun mounts were fitted on her teak deck standing by for the addition of guns whenever it would be needed.


On May 1, 1915, the ship departed New York City bound for Liverpool. Unknown to her passengers but probably no secret to the Germans, almost all her hidden cargo consisted of munitions and contraband destined for the British war effort. As the fastest ship afloat, the luxurious liner felt secure in the belief she could easily outdistance any submarine. Nonetheless, the menace of submarine attack reduced her passenger list to only half her capacity.


On May 7th, 1915, the Lusitania approached within 12 miles of the southern Irish coast. Winston Churchill, the Lord of the Admiralty, knew that German U-boats were operating in the area after three ships had been sunk in the previous 2 days. Not only did Churchill not come to the assistance of the Lusitania but he ordered her planned escort, the destroyer Juno, to return to Queenstown harbor. Earlier, the Lusitania had been ordered to reduce speed by shutting down one of her four boilers (ostensibly to save coal). She was a sitting duck and the entire Admiralty [Winston Churchill] knew it.

___lusitania-u-boat_FAt 2:10 in the afternoon a torpedo fired by the German submarine U 20 slammed into her side. A mysterious second explosion ripped the liner apart. One thousand one hundred nineteen of the 1,924 aboard died. The dead included 114 Americans which enraged the American public opinion. The political fallout was immediate. President Wilson protested strongly to the Germans. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, a pacifist, resigned. However, the seeds of American animosity towards Germany were sown.” Within two years after Woodrow Wilson waited for his second term reelection before sending America to war in April 2017.

Central banking: the tri-polar pre-WWI financial tension: The Bank of England, the Reichbank and the Federal Reserve.


The propagandist idea behind the Federal Reserve was that the U.S. needed a “powerful banking” entity such as the Bank of England (BoE) as American financiers thought that New York needed to develop its own commercial trading system that could handle bills of exchange in the same way as the London market. The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913 in Jekyll Island and “legalized” by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s government not too long after.

Clipboard_Image 002The “Fed” is a private banking institution that has become a U.S and international financial tapeworm parasite as describe by Catherine Austin Fitts. It destroys markets, capital, middle class, societies and families thus, the very foundation of a healthy and thriving society! Since Post WWII Bretton Woods agreements, its parasite tentacles have expended globally and connected itself to the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank with even more looting organizations such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund). the World Bank and the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), all having one single basic currency packaged into four different “names”: USD, GBP, EUR & ‎¥EN. The CHF (Swiss Franc) should be added to the list since the BIS in Basel is very much part of this international banking cartel. It is very relevant to refer again to G. Edward Griffin’s monumental work on the Federal Reserve: “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve.”

Paul Moritz Warburg (1868 – 1932) was one of the original founders of this “US financial private banking cartel” who drew up the institutional design of the Federal Reserve System. His older brother Max Moritz Warburg (1867 – 1946), a close adviser of Kaiser Wilhelm II. was the German Jewish banker who assisted Germany into financing its WWI expenses. Max Moritz Warburg and his younger brother Paul Moritz were both in favor of an American German financial version of the French-British “Entente Cordiale” in order to erode the British financial and industrial monopoly.

The creation of the German Reichsbank established in 1876. was seen by Britain as a financial threat likely to compete with the Bank of England. From 1873 to 1914 the German Empire introduced the German Goldmark.  At the beginning of WWI the Goldmark was turned into a “Papermark” to become one of the most disastrous financial crisis in German history! The Allies were shrewd enough to demand “Goldmark” payments for WWI compensation and not the fiat “Papermark” legal tender. The German Goldmark became a threat to the London and Washington central bankers: An additional reason why Germany had “to be destroyed.” It would be  worthwhile reading Peter Williamson Campbell‘s work: Britain Was Responsible For WWI, WWII & The Holocaust: Aided And Abetted By The USA And The Vatican to shed more light on the topic of western banking criminality.

The carving out of Germany following WWI by the allies was obvious!  France and Britain wanted to do away with a possible ”German threat” and blend Germany into a European context that should never allow the country, financially and economically, to ever stand up again. Much more was to follow after WWII and the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht coined by French Président François Mitterrand as: “A Versailles Without The War.

Bruno P. Gebarski

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Filed under Central Banking, Geopolitics, Geostrategy, NATO, Prussia, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Rothschild, Rockefeller, USA, Winston Churchill, WWI

Western NATO and U.S.-led geopolitical duplicity (1949 — 2016) | MittelEuropa, Lebensraum | U.S. Vassal State Germany

The Telegraph Europe’s Editor Peter Foster and Matthew Holehouse are either geopolitical slapstick comedians or two knuckleheads (dummköpfchen in German) who have lost their political common sense and sold their journalistic raison d’être to a Western never ending anti-Russian media propaganda. Their recent article:”Russia accused of clandestine funding of European parties” and “UK warns of ‘new Cold War’ as Kremlin seeks to divide and rule in Europe.” is an insult to the sound mind and an additional contribution to the debris of geopolitical waste.

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Contrary to what vaudeville comics Peter Foster and Matthew Holehouse report, the U.S. has never been interested in the welfare of the German and/or European people whatsoever: Quite the contrary! Germany has become U.S. (NATO) Central European’s dumping ground providing additional territorial space to nature’s oceanic buffer zone! The U.S. has turned our little European continent into a dangerous lethal playground: The result of an increasingly rogue and war mongering Washington régime. And no Peter Foster and Matthew Holehouse, Russia did not annex Crimea. Please Gentlemen, do your homework, as we should expect from journalists doing their job accurately instead of the news presstitutes you’ve turned yourselves into.

Even German pro-U.S. propagandist “Der Spiegel” reported: Ukraine-Crisis:  400 U.S.-mercenaries from Academi [Blackwater] are fighting against separatists (Ukraine-Krise: 400 US-Söldner von Academi [Blackwater] kämpfen gegen Separatisten). Consider this hired Blackwater/Academi entity:  Positionened on rooftops, shooting both at police and public demonstrators. These US-based sniper elements were verified by Estonian Embassy translators. They appeared to have been hired by the Maidan Regime, supplied by the U.S. and Langley (CIA).

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German “Der Spiegel” Western Propaganda

  • Putin, the Dangerous Neighbor | Putin, der gefährliche Nachbarn
  • Stop Putin Now! | Stoppt Putin Jetzt!
  • Putin: the Arsonist/Firestarter | Putin, der Brandstifter
  • Obama Super Star | Obama Super Star
  • Obama, the World President | Obama, der Weltpräsident
  • Obama, the Messiah Factor | Obama, Der Messias Faktor

Wasn’t it bubblegum-chewing Mafia doll Victoria Nuland who said in a leaked private foul-mouthed indiscretion to U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt: “F**k the EU. . . . I think Yats [Arseny Yatsenyuk] is the guy who’s got the economic experience. . . . “I’ve got a five billion USD budget? Wasn’t it the same Victoria Nuland aiming at standing out in her political  career and sounding more macho, miserable and moronic than her male American counterparts? Wasn’t it German chancellor Angela Merkel who described Victoria Nuland’s remarks as “totally unacceptable”? How about the 33 tons of Ukraine central bank’s gold bullion removed, confiscated and stolen then quickly spirited back to New York for “Safe Keeping “and rehypothecation? All this for the sake of the United States “safeguarding” our European interests? Yeah sure!

Since 9/11, regardless of where U.S. agent provocateur has boots on the ground, chaos, destruction and squalor are left behind. In the name of “democracy”, self-created tailor-made terrorist schemes (Al Qaeda/ISIS/IS/ISIL/Daesh) have been applied to countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Mali, Yemen and now Germany (see migrant crisis parts three, four and five) leaving behind a destructive path of destabilization and destruction.

Geopolitics_Germany_Morgenthau.Plan_FSeveral months before the end of the war, General Patton had recognized the fearful danger to the West posed by the Soviet Union, and he had disagreed bitterly with the orders which he had been given to hold back his army and wait for the Red Army to occupy vast stretches of German, Czech, Rumanian, Hungarian, and Yugoslav territory, which the Americans could have easily taken instead.” Obviously, Russia must not have been presenting a threat to the U.S. and the security of its Allies! So why then would the West create such a communist threat hysteria while allowing the Red Army to enter Berlin in the first place? Or was it rather a repeat of a nefarious plan to carve out Germany? An updated version of the 1919 Versailles treaty?

Hungary’s Jobbik, Greece’s Golden Dawn, Italy’s Lega Nord, and France’s Front National are simply exposing EU’s corruption while the U.S. and NATO transform our continent into a warzone powder keg! Altruistic U.S. hegemon? U.S. concern about a potential European “Putin-threat” is a complete nonsense Washington and our European governments would want us to believe. Just like the U.S. post-WWII fabricated “communist threat” did not exist, the present imaginary “Russian threat” does not either. The real threat to European security does not come from Russia: The real threat to European security comes from the Washington Régime of the United States of America.


In an excellent read: Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe, Andrey Fomin raises the question:

“Why the hell do U.S. intelligence agencies care about challenges to Europe’s internal security? Aren’t they the same agents who finance, recruit, and control countless political organizations, individuals, and media outlets on the European continent? Why are they so brazenly revealing their dominion over Europe?” Andrey Fomin goes on to say: “A politically correct challenger would argue that the United States saved Europe from the “Communist threat” after the end of WWII, facilitated its speedy economic recovery, and is still safeguarding the continent under its nuclear umbrella. Perhaps. But a review of the historical background should not begin with the Marshall Plan. First of all, that was launched in April 1948. Since the Nazis capitulated in May 1945, a misinformed reader might deduce that the United States had been drafting a massive investment program for Europe for as long as three years, and … he would be wrong. At the Second “Octagon” Quebec Conference in September 1944, President Roosevelt and US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. submitted to the British PM Winston Churchill their Post-Surrender Program for Germany. That strictly confidential document envisaged the partition and complete deindustrialization of the German state. According to the plan, Germany was to be divided into two independent states. Its epicenters of mining and industry, including the Saar Protectorate, the Ruhr Valley, and Upper Silesia were to be internationalized or annexed by France and Poland…”

Recommendation for a German-Program after Capitulation [“Morgenthau-Plan”] , September the 6th of 1944 (Document in English starting page three)

Clipboard_Image 030_FDemilitarization of Germany

It should be the aim of the [US] Allied Forces to accomplish the complete demilitarization of Germany in the shortest possible period of time after surrender. This means completely disarming the German Army and people (including the removal or destruction of all war material), the total destruction of the whole German armament industry, and the removal or destruction of other key industries which are basic to military strength.

  1. Partitioning of Germany.
  • (a) Poland should get that part of East Prussia which doesn’t go to the U.S.S.R. and the southern portion of Silesia as indicated on the attached map,
  • (b) France should get the Saar and the adjacent territories bounded by the Rhine and the Moselle Rivers.
  • (c) As indicated in part 3 an International Zone should be created containing the Ruhr and the surrounding industrial areas.
  • (d) The remaining portion of Germany should be divided into two autonomous, independent states, (1) a South German state comprising Bavaria, Wuerttemberg, Baden and some smaller areas and (2) a North
  • German state comprising a large part of the old state of Prussia, Saxony, Thuringia and several smaller states. There shall be a custom union between the new South German state and Austria, which will be restored to her pre-1938 political borders.
  1. The Ruhr Area.
  • (The Ruhr, surrounding industrial areas, as shown on the attached map, including the Rhineland, the Keil Canal, and all German territory north of the Keil Canal.) Here lies the heart of German industrial power, the cauldron of wars. This area [The Ruhr] should not only be stripped of all presently existing industries but so weakened and controlled that it can not in the foreseeable future become an industrial area. The following steps will accomplish this:
  • (a) Within a short period, if possible not longer than 6 months after the cessation of hostilities, all industrial plants and equipment not destroyed by military action shall either be completely dismantled and removed from the area or completely destroyed. All equipment shall be removed from the mines and the mines shall be thoroughly wrecked. It is anticipated that the stripping of this area would be accomplished in three stages:
  • (i) The military forces immediately upon entry into the area shall destroy all plants and equipment which cannot be removed.
  • (ii) Removal of plants and equipment by members of the United Nations as restitution and reparation (Paragraph 4).
  • (iii) All plants and equipment not removed within a stated period of time, say 6 months, will be completely destroyed or reduced to scrap and allocated to the United Nations.
  • (b) All people within the area should be made to understand that this area will not again be allowed to become an industrial area. Accordingly, all people and their families within the area having special skills or technical training should be encouraged to migrate permanently from the area and should be as widely dispersed as possible.
  • (c) The area should be made an international zone to be governed by an international security organization to be established by the United Nations. In governing the area the international organization should be guided by policies designed to further the above stated objectives.

Clipboard_Image 028This was the original postwar proposed Magnus Opus recovery program for Germany, known as the Morgenthau Plan. It is well worth reminding the reader that the Germanophobic psychopath, Theodore Newman Kaufman, author of “Germany Clipboard_Image 032must perish” is most likely the one who provided the framework to the Morgenthau plan. However, the Morgenthau plan did not take into account Europe’s propensity towards socialism dating back to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that initiated the spread of communism/socialism throughout Europe. Most likely, the Morgenthau Plan could have caused a Soviet (USSR) threat to a fragile post-WWII European continent thus it was replaced by the Marshall plan: A plan made to “revive” the economies of Europe away from any Soviet industrial sphere of influence.

Bruno P. Gebarski

Additional sources in alphabetical order:

Additional Reading:

  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany 1871 – 1914 | German Gold Mark | German Industrial Revolution (part 9)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Organized Migrant invasion | Asylum Industry | NGOs‘ Online Traveling Advice & Migrant Handbooks (Part 8)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany’s Migrant Sexual Crimes: unintended consequences or organized consequence? (part 7)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration | Libyan Gold | The Trail of a French Tale (Part 6)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Coercion and Weapons of Mass Migration: coming Full Circle (Part 5)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, and Weapons of Mass Migration, Forced Displacement and Eugenics (Part 4)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement and Coercion (Part 3)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Al Qaeda and ISIS as secret U.S. CIA assets (Part 2)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, 911 and Afghanistan (Part 1)


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Filed under Academi, Angela Merkel, Blackwater, Bolshevik Revolution, Coup d'état, Fascism, Geopolitics, Geostrategy, Germany, Karl Haushofer, Morgenthau Plan, NATO, Neo Con, Russia, Theodore N. Kaufman, Ukraine, Uncategorized, USA, Victoria Nuland, Winston Churchill, WWI, WWII

Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany 1871 – 1914 | German Gold Mark | German Industrial Revolution (Part Nine)

”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de (George) Santayana, Spanish-born philosopher  (1863 — 1952)

“War is the continuation of politics by other means.” Carl von Clausewitz, Prussian General (1780 — 1831)

Relying on Western Mainstream media is often connected to propaganda and geopolitical lies such as:

  • 9/11 was an Al Qaeda “terror attack” on America (which in some way it was because Al Qaeda is a U.S. CIA asset in the first place!)
  • Russia is alone to be blamed for the Ukrainian conflict
  • Crimea “was invaded” by Vladimir Putin
  • Libya was freed from Muammar al-Gaddafi for “democratic” reasons
  • Egypt and its Arab Spring was the outburst of a “democratic” revolution

Many things are not what they appear to be and many historical events, we were taught at schools/universities or read about, rarely recount the truth of what happened!  Wars are (often) initiated by financial institutions and their bankster cabal!

Could this have been the case when, on June the 28th of 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead in Sarajevo (Serbia)? Shortly after their assassination, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Russia, Turkey and the U.S. got involved in a cataclysmic chain of events that would make up for one of the bloodiest wars in European history.

How could a European conflict (and World War One) end up with Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, often known as the War Guilt Clause, and Germany bearing alone the full moral responsibility for this (European) catastrophe?

“The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.” (Treaty of Versailles, Article 231)

Books_Christopher.Clark_The.SleepwalkersAustralian historian and scholar Christopher Clark, author of “The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914, makes an insightful statement: “Those who think that my book is about an acquittal of Germany’s great responsibility for the conflict are on the wrong path. This book does not set Germany free from its shared responsibility of the outbreak of this war whatsoever. It is an attempt at considering and understanding the origin of this war as a European problem. It is not striving to ‘de-Germanize’ the war but to ‘Europeanize’ it.”

“Wer meint in meinem Buch einen Freispruch für die deutsche Staatsführung damals zu erlesen ist auf dem falschen Weg. . . . Das Buch spricht die deutschen überhaupt nicht von einer starken und großen Mitverantwortung an den Ausbruch dieses Krieges frei, sondern versucht die Entstehung dieses Krieges als europäisches Problem zu verstehen und zu betrachten. Es ist ein Versuch die Geschichte dieses Krieges nicht zu ‘entdeutschen’ sondern zu europäisieren.Christopher Clark

Germany never initiated nor started this war in the first place: Austria-Hungary did! So, why were the Allies (France in particular) so keen at accusing and humiliating Germany when France, Britain, Russia, Serbia, Austria-Hungary and the U.S. should have also been held accountable? Why Germany?

DBP_1988_1378_Made_in_GermanyTo answer this question, we need to review the geopolitical circumstances that transformed Prussia from a fractured kingdom (post Napoleonic wars) to a united German nation. How was Germany able to accumulate so much wealth from 1850 to 1914? Germany’s industrial strength was nothing short of an “Industrial Miracle.” Despite the fact that this Industrial Revolution started 100 years later than in Britain, the Netherlands and Flemish (north) Belgium, by 1900, Germany had become Europe’s number one economy. How did it happen?Clipboard_Image 008_F

The quintessential reason for Germany’s industrial revival (1871-1900) was the establishment of a German Currency (Mark) backed by Gold! Germany’s national wealth Clipboard_Image 014was rapidly created because their gold backed currency was not borrowed from central banks. This is geopolitically and geofinancially crucial because both (private) Bank of England (BoE) and newly created (private) U.S. Federal Reserve (1913 in Jekyll Island) did not have “monetary control” over Germany. As a nation, Germany was free to issue interest free money. Just like Adolf Hitler did with Germany’s development of what would become the world’s finest Autobahn (highway) network, Germany’s “interest free” money speeded up the expansion of its industrial wealth.

Germany’s late nineteen century industrialization was also speeded up thanks to:

  • The 1832 creation of a Zollverein (customs union) that promoted free trade between all German States
  • The 1870 German defeat over France and Otto von Bismarck‘s 1871 creation of a united Germany (from its initial 25 German-speaking states, city-states and duchies) that  stimulated its industrialization even further
  • The new politically united Germany could now exploit the rich iron-fields of Lorraine taken from France
  • The development of a national railway network especially after 1830. By 1850 Germany had constructed half as much as Britain and twice as much as France
  • The extraction of coal from the Silesian, Rhineland and Ruhr fields
  • Germany becoming Europe’s leading steel-producing nation in the late 19th century
  • The emergence of larger companies such as Alfred Krupp (railway, locomotives and armament production) and Werner Siemens

___Geopolitics_Afraid.of.GermanyIncidentally, the 23rd of August 1887 marked the birth of Made in Germany: A trademark law from the “Merchandise Marks Act” imposed by Britain on all German imported goods, which had to bear the Made in Germanylabel. Britain’s obvious intention was to downgrade German products as of “lesser quality” thus “lesser price,” which, as we know, turned out in Germany’s favo(u)r!

We are beginning to see how German currency (gold Mark) and German economy lead us again to the central banksters! London, New York and Paris did not like Germany issuing free money and feared (France especially) the threat that such an economic powerhouse could cause!  Winston Churchill, appointed First Lord of the Admiralty before the start of World War I, would eventually make this revealing tatement:

Clipboard_Image 011_F“You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the economic strength of the German people, which must be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest“. —Winston Churchill

In part 10 of this series, we shall see how French Premier Minister Georges Clémenceau was instrumental into forging the disastrous Treaty of Versailles that would eventually “humiliate” and “flatten” Germany not only economically but also as a nation.

 Bruno P. Gebarski

Further reading:

  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany 1871 – 1914 | German Gold Mark | German Industrial Revolution (Part 9)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Organized Migrant invasion | Asylum Industry | NGOs‘ Online Traveling Advice & Migrant Handbooks (Part 8)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror Management” | Germany’s Migrant Sexual Crimes: unintended consequences or organized consequence? (Part 7)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration | Libyan Gold | The Trail of a French Tale (Part 6)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Coercion and Weapons of Mass Migration: coming Full Circle (Part 5)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, and Weapons of Mass Migration, Forced Displacement and Eugenics (Part 4)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement and Coercion (Part 3)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, Al Qaeda and ISIS as secret U.S. CIA assets (Part 2)
  • Fifteen Years of Western NATO and U.S.-led “Terror management”, 911 and Afghanistan (Part 1)

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Filed under Central Banking, France, Germany, Prussia, USA, WWI