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U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchs and Neocons’ Feudalistic Power Grab (Part Six)

There is a special breed of international financiers whose success typically is built upon certain character traits. Those include cold objectivity, immunity to patriotism, and indifference to the human condition. That profile is the basis for proposing a theoretical strategy, called the Rothschild Formula, which motivates such men to propel governments into war for the profits they yield… As long as the mechanism of central banking exists, it will be to such men an irresistible temptation to convert debt into perpetual war and war into perpetual debt.”        

  —G. Edward Griffin | Author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island

People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.” 

—Zbigniew Brzezinski | Author of “The Grand Chessboard

Geopoliticalnews suggests a review of Part One, Part Two, Part Three of our series on “U.S. exceptionalism and its global terror management.” This alleged 21st century U.S. exceptionalism, Part Four and Part Five, doctrine is perfectly sustained by a the resurgence of virulent brand of neocon propaganda spewed by major U.S. newspapers with its goons and stooges: Part Four and Part Five.

We saw how this swaggering super-arrogant superpower, cowboys-on-steroids, imperialist U.S.A. continues to spread its “gospel of democracy”, mostly with coup d’états and wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Ukraine, to name just a few) and defend its fiat currency: USD, EUR, GBP and YEN system against the rising alternative offered by the BRICS, China’s SCO, AIIB, the new Shanghai Gold Exchange, the Financial Future Exchange (CFFEX), the CIPS, and the (Chinese) Renminbi, which entered the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on October 1st of 2016. We reviewed the neocon financial tools: Quantitative Easing (QE) “to infinity” and derivative products such as Credit Default Swaps (CDS) as a way of kicking the financial can down the road and saw how ECB, FED, BOE and BOJ Central Banks destroy capital for the sake of bailing out the too-big-to-jail financial institutions.

As Dr. Stephen J. Sniegoski writes in: Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel: “It was only the traumatic effects of the 9/11 terrorism that enabled the agenda of the neocons to become the policy of the United States of America.”

Where is the judicial foundation of all those U.S.-wars and coup d’états? Was the U.S., Britain or France threatened by Libya? What’s the heck were France (with its French President neocon Sarkozy) and Britain doing bombing Libya? Why were France and Britain meddling in Africa’s richest country and attacking its sovereignty instead of minding their own business and rebuilding their crumbling road-infrastructure or reducing their astronomic public debts, both in excess of two billion Euro?

What is Germany doing bombing Syria with the US-Allies and supporting the Empire of Chaos’ neocon imperialistic agenda instead of protecting the sovereignty of its own German territory? Where is the balance between the executive, legislative and judicial branches with its system of checks and balances? How could Angela Merkel have overstepped the judicial raison d’être of the German constitution to open Germany’s borders on September the 4th of 2015? Did Merkel consult with her government? Did Merkel democratically ask the German People?

How about the 9/11 hijacking of the U.S. Democracy? Shouldn’t have the legislative branch of the U.S government, represented by Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, been active? How come the U.S. Congress did not impeach the Bushes, Clinton’s and alleged Kenyan Squatter in Chief himself for drug trafficking and/or war crimes? Could not these be the signs of a resurging “democratic totalitarianism” just about to transform itself into outright fascism? Are we becoming a dystopian society?  Remember Henry Gouroux’s observation on oligarchy aka plutocracy and kleptocracy? 

The western world has being taken captive by oligarchs, plutocrats and kleptocrats represented by key cartel groups ruling the world of finances and business: We could call them the profiteering beneficiaries who can be easily classified in seven different industrial cartels: Finance, Media, Energy, Military, Pharmacy, Chemy and food:

1. Finance cartel

  • World Bank | USA
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) | USA
  • The Institute for the Works of Religion | Vatican Bank | Italy
  • Bank of International  Settlements (BIS) | Switzerland
  • Private Federal Reserve Bank (FED) | USA
  • Bank of England (BOE) | Britain
  • European Central Bank (ECB) | Germany
  • Bank of Japan (BOJ) | Japan
  • JP Morgan Chase & Co. | USA
  • Goldman Sachs | USA
  • Citigroup Inc | USA
  • Wells Fargo & Co. | USA
  • Bank of America | USA
  • BNP Paribas | France
  • Deutsche Bank | Germany

2. Media cartel

  • Google | USA | USD 74.64 billion
  • Walt Disney | USA | USD 52.46 billion
  • Comcast | USA | USD 75.51 billion
  • 21st Century Fox | USA | USD 28.99 billion
  • Facebook | USA | USD 17.93 billion
  • Bertelsmann | Germany | USD 17.14 billion
  • Viacom | USA | USD 13.27 billion
  • CBS | USA | USD 13.89 billion
  • Baidu | China | USD 66.4 billion
  • News Corp | USA | USD 33.7 billion

___geopolitics_part-6_7-sisters-energy-cartel_023. Energy cartel: “Seven Sisters” which became the Super Majors

4. Military cartel:

  • Lockheed Martin | USA
  • Boeing | USA
  • BAE Systems | UK
  • Raytheon | USA
  • General Dynamics | USA
  • Northrop Grumman | USA
  • Airbus Group | FRA & GER | EU

5. Pharmacy cartel

  • Johnson & Johnson | USA | ÚSD 70.07 billion
  • Novartix | Switzerland | USD 49.4 billion
  • Roche | Switzerland| CHF 48.14 billion
  • Pfizer | USA | USD 48.85 billion
  • Sanofi | France | EUR 37.05 billion
  • Merck Group | Germany | EUR 11.36 billion
  • Glaxo Smith Kline; GSK | Britain | GBP 23.92 billion  

6. Chemy cartel

  • BASF | Germany | USD 78.70 billion
  • Dow Chemical | USA | USD 58.2 billion
  • Sinopec | China | USD 58 billion
  • SABIC | Saudi Arabia | USD 43.3 billion
  • Exxon Mobil | USA | USD 38.2 billion
  • Formosa Plastics | Taiwan | USD 37.1 billion
  • Lyondell Basell Industries | USA | USD 34.8 billion
  • DuPont| USA | USD 29.9 billion
  • Ineos | Switzerland | USD 54 billion
  • Bayer | Germany | USD 28.1 billion

___geopolitics_part-6_10-larges-food-biz7. Food cartel

  • Nestlé | Switzerland | CHF 88.8 billion
  • Pepsi Co. | USA | USD 63.06 billion
  • Unilever | Britain and Netherlands | EUR 53.27 billion
  • Coca Cola | USA | USD 44.29 billion
  • Mars | USA | USD 33 billion
  • Mondelēz | USA | USD 29.6 billion
  • Danone | France | EUR 22.41 billion
  • General Mills | USA | USD 16.6 billion
  • Kellogg’s | USA| USD 14.8 billion
  • Associated British Foods | Britain | GBP 12.8 billion

Bruno Gebarski

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Filed under AIIB, Angela Merkel, BRICS, Central Banking, China, Color Revolution, Corruption, Fascism, France, Geopolitics, Germany, IMF, Migrant, NED, Neo Con, New Development Bank, NGO, NWO, Refugees, Renminbi, Russia, Sarkozy, SCO, SDR, SGE, Syria, USA, USD, WWI, WWII, WWIII, Yuan

U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | September 11th 2001 and the Rise of The U.S. Neocons (Part 3)

__book_pepe-escobar_empire-of-chaosIn Part One and Part Two of this series, we reviewed why the United States of America has become the geopolitical Hegemon of our 21st Century. Rising powers China and Russia are threatening the geopolitical and geofinancial “command and control” neocon-led Empire of Chaos (as coined by Pepe Escobar) and forcing the U.S. to defend its US-Dollar Reserve Currency status with extraordinary and non-diplomatic means: Quantitative Easing or QE Zimbabwe style fiat paper money printing, color revolutions, coups d’états, war crimes, subversion, coercion and weapons of mass migration: Germany and Austria being the latest victims. However, China and the BRICS offer an array of geopolitical, financial and banking services providing the international community with a worthy alternative to both collapsing Petrodollar and US-Dollar:  

  • BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as an alternative to the Bretton Woods Western nations USD, GBP, EUR and ¥EN
  • SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an alternative to NATO
  • AIIB: Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank as an alternative to the IMF
  • CIPS: Chinese inter-banking payment system as an alternative to SWIFT
  • Shanghai Gold Exchange: an alternative to the paper-fraud markets of London and New York
  • CFFEX: China’s New, China Financial Future Exchange

It is also well worth noticing the entry of the Chinese Renminbi (CN¥ or Chinese Yuan) into the Special Drawing Right (SDR): the Elite currency club of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As of October 1st of 2016, the Chinese Renminbi will have entered the privileged club of pristine world reserve currencies: US Dollar, Euro, British Pound and Japanese ¥en to become its fifth international reserve currency:

___screen-shot-09-17-16-at-07-09-amA few days back, we remembered September 11th 2001 15h anniversary. We are still longing for the full disclosure of what really happened. Similar to President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination in Dallas, we most likely will never find out. Nonetheless, we now have proof of 9/11’s Mainstream Media cover-up as well as strong evidence for a miniature nuclear implosion/detonation with the use of thermite.

9/11 remains the coup d’état par excellence : A terror attack applied upon the American Sheeple and the creation of a fictitious enemy the Establishment can adapt, relocate and rename at anytime: The perfect enactment of a self-made neocon catastrophe that rallied people internationally, emotionally and passionately behind a newly created brand of terror: Al Qaeda, ISIS, The Levant, IS, ISIL, The Islamist State, Daesh or Al Nusra. All should be considered the neocons’ “War on Terror trademark“; a mainstream propaganda tool easily sold to a Western crowd way too busy with ubiquitous Internet, smartphones or Britain’s Got Talent. After 9/11, Al Qaeda 2.0 or ISIS would follow. Trained mercenaries are backed up financially by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; they often follow the Wahhabi strain of Islam that produces so many ISIS militants: Thanks to Washington’s acquiescence.  An updated version of ISIS, The Islamic State, would follow in Syria after Russia and China refused a similar French-led NATO bombing on Libya.

geopolitics_f_the-balkans_aThe iniquitous 1999 US-NATO dismantling of Yugoslavia (that preceded 9/11) was followed by a 78-day NATO “humanitarian bombing” of Kosovo with the help of German co-conspirator. Kosovo did not pose any threat within Yugoslavia or to any members of the NATO alliance whatsoever: Thus a flagrant crime of aggression in violation of Article 2.4 of the UN Charter. As we shall see in the next installment (Part 5) Kosovo’s capture could have been on U.S. Pentagon’s drawing board for three main reasons:

  • Control the Balkan pipeline energy-grid between Western Europe, Eurasia, and Russia
  • Control the heroin Balkan route from Central Asia’s Golden Crescent (Afghanistan) to Europe and beyond
  • Control South Eastern Europe with  1000 acres (3 km²) of U.S. military footprint: Camp Bondsteel

In a Global Research‘s article: Neocon 101: What do Neo-conservatives Believe? Global Research author asks the question: “What is the difference between a neoconservative and a conservative: Liberals first applied the ‘neo’ prefix to their comrades who broke ranks to become more conservative in the 1960s and 70s. The defectors remained more liberal on some domestic policy issues. But foreign policy stands have always defined neoconservatism. Where other conservatives favored détente and containment of the Soviet Union, neocons pushed direct confrontation, which became their raison d’être during the 1970s and 80’s.”

Mutual Assured Destruction or mutually assured destruction (MAD) [was] a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender … It was based on the theory of deterrence, which holds that the threat of using strong weapons was a military strategy” dear to President Regan during the Cold War era. Ronald Reagan mantra was “peace through strength“, “peace was the end; strength was the mean“: it was based on a policy of military détente and as much as possible entente cordiale. 

U.S. neocons have pushed aside the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine to replace it with preemptive strikeDid you catch that? Preemptive strike…? The next installment (Part 4 of this series) will magnify the thought of “Preemptive Strike” and the nefariousness of these U.S. fascist neocons and their warmongering philosophy.

Beliefs: Conservatives

Beliefs: Neo Conservatives

MAD as Military deterrence Preemptive military strike | war
Peace through strength Use of U.S. unrivaled military power
Peace is the end, strength is the mean Forcefully promote U.S. values around the world: color revolutions and coups d’états
Reservation about military intervention Cultivation of a U.S. Empire (NGO propaganda)
Reservation about so called “nation building” “Democratic” transformation of the Middle East (Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Syria)
Policy of détente and containment with Russia Policy of aggression against Russia (NATO Anaconda-2016)
Multipolar world is supported U.S. is the unchallenged superpower and “benevolent” global Hegemon
Potential U.S.-threats are appeased or contained Potential U.S.-threats are confronted aggressively

__book_william-blum_americasdeadliest-export_democracyIn his blog-article “American Exceptionalism and the Election Made in Hell (Or Why I’d Vote for Trump Over Hillary)”, William Blum, author of America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else, writes:

My main concern is foreign policy. American foreign policy is the greatest threat to world peace, prosperity, and the environment [emphasis Geopoliticalnews]. And when it comes to foreign policy, Hillary Clinton is a[n utter] disaster. From Iraq and Syria to Libya and Honduras the world is a much worse place because of her; so much so that I’d call her a war criminal who should be prosecuted. And not much better can be expected on domestic issues from this woman who was paid $675,000 by Goldman Sachs [fascist bankster cabal criminals] – one of the most reactionary, anti-social corporations in this sad world – for four speeches and even more than that in political donations in recent years. Add to that Hillary’s willingness to serve for six years on the board of Walmart while her husband was governor of Arkansas. Can we expect to change corporate behavior by taking their money?”

 Bruno Gebarski

Additional Reading:

  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part One)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part Two)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | September 11th 2001 and the Rise of U.S. Neocons (Part Three)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Preemptive Strike & Neocons Mainstream Media Propaganda (Part Four)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchy and Neocons Destructive Agenda (Part Five)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchy and Neocons Destructive Agenda (Part Six: coming soon)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | U.S.-NATO Serbian Genocide (Part Seven: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for Oil and Control of the Middle East (Part Eight: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for OIL and Control of the Middle East (Part Nine: planned)



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Filed under AIIB, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, BRICS, Central Banking, China, Color Revolution, Coup d'état, Daesh, Germany, IMF, IS, ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, Libya, Middle East, Migrant, NATO, Neo Con, New Development Bank, NGO, Renminbi, Russia, SCO, SDR, SGE, Syria, Terrorism, Ukraine, USA, USD, Yuan

U.S. President Barack Obama’s Visit to Hannover | Brexit: End of the Anglosphere or Chinese Russian Threat to the London/Washington Financial Fiat Money Lords?

The end of the Anglo sphere as written recently in a Financial Times article should be attributed to a real Russia | China (SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, AIIB: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and SGE: Shanghai Gold Exchange) threat to the Anglo-American Bankster Cabal fiat money trail (USD, GBP, EUR and YEN) hegemony; but certainly not to Britain’s [Br]exit from the European Union!

Is this the reason why the Establishment sent its Washington minion to Hannover (Germany) to make sure that vassal state Europe (and its leader Kanzler Merkel) obeys and dances to the tact of the Washington geopolitical chanson and neocolonialism agenda?

The fact that Britain has extended a financial arm towards China’s SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) and AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) is a thorn in the flesh of the Washington Régime struggling to defend its post-1971 USD fiat paper currency with “sister-paper-notes” EUR, GBP and YEN: more money cover-ups for the mighty king-dollar that could soon be dethroned by a gold backed Chinese Yuan!

Mayor of London Boris Johnson was accused of: “. . . ‘dog-whistle racism’ after suggesting that the ‘part-Kenyan’ Barack Obama has an ‘ancestral dislike of the British empire’ . . . Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, said President [Barack Obama] should ‘butt out’, accusing him of being the most anti-British American president in history: ‘Mercifully, he won’t be in office for much longer.’”

I’ve often coined U.S President Barack Hussein Obama as the “Kenyan Squatter” but wrongly so! President Barack Obama, according the most official data, would have been born in Kenya in 1961 (was his U.S. birthcertificate forged?) A short overview of Kenya’s history is now à propos: Germans arrived in 1885 but handed the costal lines of former Kenyan territory to the British in 1888. “According to record, Kenya didn’t exist until 1963, two years after Obama was born and probably 27 years after his father’s birth . . . How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that didn’t yet exist and was known as “British East Africa Protectorate?” Kenyan Squatter ought to be renamed as: British East African Protectorate Squatter: Minutes stand as corrected!

Barack Obama’s (and Merkel) plaidoyer for Britain to remain in a “strong EU” is such of hypocritical duplicity! The United States agree to a “Strong Europe”, while at the same time promoting (with the help of Britain and France) the genocide of Europe’s strongest economy with an organized, and NGO financed, migrant German genocide? Maybe President Obama just wanted to reassure himself that Germany’s destruction was well under way! Let’s bear in mind that part of Washington’s geopolitical credo is to make sure that a Russian German entente Cordiale and rapprochement never takes place:  It is classified by geopolitical observer George Friedman as one of U.S. top geopolitical threats for ongoing 21st century U.S. hegemony. It is also the reason why the U.S. has “destabilized” Ukraine and offered Europe a vile coup d’état with the help of Erik Prince’ private Blackwater | Academi mercenaries!

Clipboard_Image 014Consider Blackwater as the new privatized face of the U.S. war machine, a classified group of mercenaries that handles “special U.S. assignments” such as the “Baghdad Bloody Sunday.” Prince’s Blackwater, that was awarded over a $1 billion in contracts from the U.S. State Department, is presently under Fed’s investigation! In the meanwhile, Erik Prince, former owner of Blackwater, whom we shall revisit in future installments, turned his back on Washington after he was thrown under the bus! he now offers his services to China (mostly in Africa) via Frontier Service Group. Further more, Erik Prince’ private forces would now operate in Libya “for the stated purpose of stopping the flow of refugees to Europe. Libya is one of the main routes from migrants trying to enter Europe from eastern Africa and parts of the central Sahel region. Prince has also long been interested in raising private military force to battle Islamic militant groups in a variety of countries.” Very much counterproductive to the U.S. (British and French) destabilization program in Northern Africa, part of the Middle East, the Ukraine, Georgia, the seven “Stans” (Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) and now Germany! One can obviously see why Eric Prince’ undertakings would be considered by Washington’s rogue régime as two military “faux-pas.

President Obama’s preaching against Brexit: What sort of duplicity and hypocrisy is this? Public Relation nonsense! Would the U.S. let itself have its constitution written in Venezuela, a country that has been additionally destroyed from within thanks to the back-up of a U.S. (led and financed) color revolution? Remember the 1992 uprising in Serbia? OTPOR was backed up by NGO’s (National Endowment for ‘Democracy’?) by the tune of millions? Wasn’t it the same logo that was found roughly 11 years later in the street of Cairo? A coincidence? I let you be the judge:

Clipboard_Image 009

OTPUR/Serbia: US backed-up Color Revolution | Cairo: US backed-up Color Revolution

More (Obama/Merkel) propaganda: “And he [Obama] also recalled the devastating consequences of ‘intolerance and extreme nationalism’ that drenched Europe in blood during the 20th century. ‘In the last century, just twice in 30 years, the forces of empire and intolerance and extreme nationalism consumed this continent and cities like this one were largely reduced to rubble, Obama said. When I read those lines, it reminds me of 70’s Soviet Union communist propaganda. Our “On tour” Obama neo-con must obviously promote that Britain remains in the fascist EU alliance: What else? Much easier to control: A single phone call to Jean-Claude Juncker!

Geert Wilders (Partij voor de Vrijheid – PVV, NL), Nigel Farage (British UKIP) or Marine Le Pen (French Front National) or German AFD (Alternative für Deutschland) are just a few popular voices coming from the people who are fed up with the fascist financial lords that have overtaken both sides of the Atlantic.

The danger in Europe and the U.S. is not Russia but our own brand of politician traitors such as Kanzler Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Jean Claude Juncker, Martin Schulz, François Hollande and David Cameron:  these are the neo con fascists who are endangering the peace on our European Continent. Would Vladimir Putin behave the same way Berlin, Brussels and Washington do, we could be now in a full-fledged WWIII military conflict!

Bruno P. Gebarski

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Filed under Academi, AIIB, Angela Merkel, Blackwater, BRICS, Central Banking, China, Color Revolution, Coup d'état, Fascism, France, Geopolitics, Germany, Libya, Middle East, Migrant, NED, Neo Con, New Development Bank, NGO, Renminbi, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russia, SCO, SGE, USA, USD, WWI, WWII, WWIII, Yuan