Tag Archives: Propaganda

The United States of America’s Democratic Values: An Empire’s Charade of Duplicity, Criminality and Lawlessness

American terrorist hooliganism is constantly mascaraed as Washington’s “spread of democracy” and the “defending of Western Values” thanks to the main stream media apparatchik well in control of the neocon-mana fed daily to a gullible nations of jaded westerners more interested in the Game of Throne or the latest Kim Kardashian gossip than the nefarious deeds their governments are up to. This alleged Western “spread of democracy” leitmotiv could not be further from the truth.

When revisiting the establishment of the Den Hague International Criminal Court of Justice in the Netherlands, honorable mentions (and kudos) ought to go to the nations that voted in favor of the establishment of this international rule of law. The International Criminal Court of Justice’s aim was and remains the putting away of international criminality whereby illustrious names such as Rockefeller, Rothschild, J. P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of England (BoE) established in 1694, The European Central Bank, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the Khazarian mafia should have been put away a very long time ago, would justice reign in the land.

As prophet Isaiah, under God’s inspiration, once wrote: “The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.” —Isaiah 59.8 (KJV – King James Version of the Bible)

Needless to say, the international take down of recent war criminals such as Dick Cheney, both Bush and Clinton dynasties, also known as international drug lords for those better informed, Nicolas Sarkozy (former French President), Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (Former British Prime Minister) and of course Barack Obama, should have been put away a long time ago. Enumerating the name of the conflicts those nefarious leaders are responsible for would take too much space and is not the object of this post; nonetheless something Geopolitical News might revisit in future installments.    

If you think Geopolitical News is exaggerating when putting names like Obama or the Bush dynasty on this war criminals’ list: may we, please, invite you to review both Noam Chomsky’s quote about the corruption of all Post World War II U.S. presidencies:


or Ramsey Clark’s statement on U.S. Foreign Policy:


In 1998, the International Criminal Court was founded by the United Nations. The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague in the Netherlands. The ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. One would think the ICC would be an institution the Western World, including Britain and the United States of America in particular, would support and promote right?

170 nations were present in Rom on the 17 of July 1998 for the establishment of the International Criminal Court; great undertaking right? Well, among the 170 nations represented, 120 voted for the ICC’s establishment/foundation; 20 abstained and seven nations voted against it:

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Bruno Gebarski

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Filed under Central Banking, China, Fascism, Geopolitics, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Sarkozy, USA, USD, WWI

The Four Horsemen of the 21st Century Geopolitical Apocalypse: USA, Britain, France and Israel

French President Emmanuel Macron is a fascist neoliberal (neocon) globalist towing the line of Chief European Executive Globalist German Kanzlerin Angela Merkel, who could very well be the daughter of Adolf Hitler

Chancellor Merkel paused at the Hamburg-G20 with her usual Illuminati posture.  Chancellor Merkel is en-route to destroying Germany with an U.S.A., Britain, and France man-made migrant crisis.  French President Emmanuel Macron can’t even sneeze without asking first Chancellor Merkel for permission.  

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France, Britain (who both triggered WWI (this will scratch British pride: but it’s time for Brits to update their own history records and swallow their Island pride, just like I had, as a Frenchman, to swallow my pride as well) and the U.S.A. are behind the self-created migrant crisis happening right now in Germany and Austria: I did coin it, not too long ago, Versailles IV in my blog article series.  

So, could this be our new European game of thrones?

—France and England are destroying Germany with the migrant crisis under the U.S. fascist Washington neocon regime leadership baton: large kudos for the international NGO destructive work of Jewish Nazi criminal George Soros supplying both financial and hardware aid.

—France, jealous of London, still aims and wants to create the Grand Paris (Greater Paris Project) to compete with London: Reuben aimlessly fighting for the birthright while Ephraim is self-destroying it.

—Meanwhile, the British island cul-de-sac is being sacked by the City of London banksters with the full support of the British government and its Tory while the island is burning under the attack of political correctness.

—Germany (US occupied territory with 22 US. Military bases on German territory on record) is on the brink of civil war (as expected and planned be the Fascist Neocon in London/Washington and duplicitous France. I just had here a foretaste of German civil war as G20 was progressing only a few blocks away from my residence, Mind you France is always meddling internationally everywhere while achieving aimlessness and international geopolitical redundancy over-qualifying to regroup with the British Island cul-de-sac.

—USA and its Wahhabi and Sunnite proxies are destabilizing the Middle East and Northern Africa: Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen (via Saudis) and of course The Ukraine, with the support and financial strength of Paris/London/Tel Aviv neocons aka the Western swamp’s own creation: ISIS, ISIL, Al Qaeda, Al Nustra, IS: Thanks to the US CIA empire of chaos’ own evil creation supplying military hardware, training and financing: CIA-theft of oil in Iraq; CIA-Drug-Trafficking from Afghanistan reaping a substantial 1.2 trillion USD harvest on a yearly basis: As a footnote, it is well worth mentioning that this drug money also serves to uphold the bankrupt western fiat financial Central Banking System (Babylon) and its worthless four main paper currencies: USD/GBP/EUR/YEN, printed at libitum by our corrupt neo-fascist central banksters: ECB: European Central Bank, FED: Federal Reserve, BoE: Bank of England and last but not least the Bank of Japan: BoJ.

The most pernicious, evil, and nefarious of Israel’s inheritance is the destructive warmongering chaos created by what I’d like to name “The Four Horsemen of the 21st Century Geopolitical Apocalypse”: USA (Manasseh), Britain (Ephraim), France (Reuben) and Israel (Judah.) These Four Geopolitical Apocalyptic Horsemen have created their own brand of terrorism (ISIS, ISIL, Al Qaeda, Al Nustra, IS: all CIA subsidiaries), a fictitious enemy while using Main Stream Media Propaganda (Fakenews) to convince a gullible idiotic jaded smartphone obsessed crowd of international morons that the “war on terror” (9/11 Bataclan, Madrid, London et al), is necessary in order to maintain the US/British/French beacon of “democracy” while we murder and shed MILLIONS of innocent lives (abortion) with renown associations such as “Planned Parenthood.” Planned Parenthood proceeds also permits management personnel to afford the finer luxuries of life such as financing a Lanborghini.

Mind you the Brits are quite practical about it, they even use the “babies’ leftovers” to heat their hospital and save on heating bills! It only takes a Brit to be so permissive and hypocritical while pretending to uphold human rights and democracy (SIC)! One has to admit that Ephraim’s affront to God will and must be “accounted for.” Somehow the red thread of Ephraimite King Jeroboam’s permissiveness and duplicity (who was very instrumental in the coup d’état against King Solomon) goes on unabated: We all remember how Jeroboam introduced the Pagan Version of the Feast of Tabernacles” by moving it from the seventh to the eighth month of the year.

While Rome (Hamburg in my case) was burning (I could literally smell the smoke on my balcony during G20 looting and destructive events) the plutocrats, oligarchs and kleptocrats were assembling themselves in the Elbphilarmonie  enjoying Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ode of Joy. At this very moment, Hamburg citizens’ cars were being torched, properties rampaged, shops looted and infrastructure destroyed. What an irony is not it folks?

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Hamburg Elbphilarmonie

Would the four 21st Century horsemen of the Geopolitical Apocalypse: bête noire U.S.A., hypocritical Britain, duplicitous France and idolatrous Israel, stop their war mongering, it would be fair to suggest that most likely 80% of all worldwide conflicts would stop right away.

NO wonder God will remove the birthright privileges He once had mercifully granted to Abraham and swap it with a time of “Jacob’s trouble and rebuke!” 

“Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are on [Israel | Babylon] the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from the face of the earth” (Amos 9:8).

Troubled times ahead for the U.S.A. Britain, France and Israel

Bruno P. Gebarski




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Filed under Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Angela Merkel, Central Banking, Color Revolution, Corruption, Daesh, Fascism, France, Geopolitics, George Soros, Germany, IS, ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, Libya, Middle East, Migrant, NED, Neo Con, NGO, NWO, Paris, Refugees, Russia, Syria, Terrorism, Ukraine, USA, USD, Vladimir Putin, WWI

Post-Mortem Western Mainstream Media Propaganda vis à vis U.S. Presidential Election


  • “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg.” —Noam Chomsky
  • “In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”  —Quote often attributed to George Orwell author of the renowned novel:  Nineteen Eighty-four
  • What is history? The lie that everyone agrees on…”Voltaire

geopolitics_usa_f_hillary-clinton-the-dead-horsePresident Elect Of the United States, PEOTUS, Donald Trump’s 2016 victory has left the Western Mainstream Media (MSM) speechless but yet struggling to salvage some scrap of what is left of its credibility or lack of it. Rigged news is spewed constantly by Western neocon controlled-media-outlets uttering an endless array of war-mongering propaganda against PEOTUS, Russia and China. This neocon propaganda is topped up by a never ending cultural Marxist Leitmotiv.

In his essay What is Cultural Marxism, William S. Lind writes: “Cultural Marxism is a branch of western Marxism, different from the Marxism-Leninism of the old Soviet Union. It is commonly known as ‘multiculturalism’ or, less formally, Political Correctness. From its beginning, the promoters of cultural Marxism have known they could be more effective if they concealed the Marxist nature of their work, hence the use of terms such as ‘multiculturalism.‘” Cultural Marxism upholds, among other things, sexual lawlessness and the destruction of the traditional Judeo-Christian family structure: the foundation of any stable and functioning society.

geopolitics_f_daniele-ganse_us-nato-aggressions_english_01Both Democrats and Republicans parties are backed up by an oligopoly that controls its failing Main Stream Media (MSM) western propaganda with a succession of U.S.-NATO war-mongering geopolitical plots following each other at a breathtaking speed:

—Failed attempt to democratic candidate Hilary Rodham Clinton vote recount, which MSM rapidly brushed aside since more votes were “recovered” for PEOTUS than Hillary Clinton.

—Fake News narrative followed the failed attempt to the Democratic US vote-recount scheme.


—Shortly after the Fake News narrative, the MSM oligopoly came up with the “Russia-rigged-the-elections-results” stunt in an attempt to oppose the alternative media with outlets such as former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy Dr. Paul Craig Robert’s blog. As if mainstream media did own the credibility for delivering facts and neutral information to its sheeple: Yeah right!

Most U.S., British and French citizens, under the spell of Western democratic delusion, underestimate how crucial it is for the establishment to control the news thus their minds. Maintaining the right level of MSM propaganda upholds the sheeple’s support for U.S.-NATO inception of uprisings, coup d’états and wars : Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine being just a few of the most recent US-examples. Remember the 1915 U.S./British sinking of the Lusitania cover-up plot that eventually brought the U.S. into WWI? Assistant Editor to the Financial Times Dr. Gillian Tett reminds us of the importance of controlling the masses’ opinion: “Most societies have an élite; an élite [who] tries to stay in power, and the way they stay in power is not merely by controlling the means of production, to be Marxist: i.e. controlling the money, but by controlling the cognitive map, the way we think. And what really matters in that respect is not so much what is actually said in public, but what is left undebated, unsaid.”

—The ongoing U.S and Western neocon war-mongering against Russia and China could have reached the next level with the assassination of the Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov who was shot dead as he was delivering a speech at the opening of an exhibition called “Russia in the Eyes of Turks” at an art gallery in Ankara. Russian Senator Frants Klintsevich suggested that “the cold-blooded killing of Andrei Karlov, who died after being shot five times in the back, was a ‘planned action'”. He continued: “Everyone knew that he was going to attend this photo exhibition. It can be ISIS, or the Kurdish army which tries to hurt Erdogan. But maybe – and it is highly likely – that representatives of foreign NATO secret services are behind it.”

—Finally, a Russian military plane carrying 92 people, including dozens of Red Army Choir singers, dancers and orchestra members, crashed into the Black Sea shortly after takeoff from Sochi on its way to Latakia, Syria, on Sunday, killing everyone on board, Russian authorities said.

geopolitics_f_usa_donald-trump_presidential-leverageAs author Fred Branfman wrote in his remarkable book Voices from the Plain of Jars, “One of the most shattering revelations about the [Laos] bombing was discovering why it had so vastly increased in 1969, as described by the refugees. I learned that after President Lyndon Johnson had declared a bombing halt over North Vietnam in November 1968, he had simply diverted the planes into northern Laos. There was no military reason for doing so. It was simply because, as U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission Monteagle Stearns testified to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in October 1969, ‘Well, we had all those planes sitting around and couldn’t just let them stay there with nothing to do.'”

One of the worst pieces of neocon U.S. propaganda to be published on the East Coast, besides the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, is The Washington Post and its daily disgorge of war-mongering titles such as “Intelligence community investigating covert Russian influence operations in the United States.” According this Washington Post article, “U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are investigating what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said. The aim is to understand the scope and intent of the Russian campaign, which incorporates cyber-tools to hack systems used in the political process, enhancing Russia’s ability to spread disinformation.”

Well, is not this what one of the worst Washington neocon representatives, Hillary Rodham Clinton, gushes on a regular basis: “. . . And we will make sure the Iranians and the world understand that the United States will act decisively if necessary, including taking military action. There will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that, the nuclear option should not at all be taken off the table: that has been my position consistently . . . And Russia has to support the international community’s effort sincerely or be held to account . . . That Russia or China will pay a price, because they are holding up ‘progress’ blockading it that is no longer tolerable.” —Hillary Rodham Clinton


In a very insightful article, The New York Times’ Media Bias, author Noam Chomsky perfectly refers to the U.S. empire hegemonic aspiration: “The [U.S] media reflects, uncritically, the approved doctrine: that the U.S. owns the world, and it does so by right.”

Bruno Pierre Gebarski

  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part One)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part Two)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | September 11th 2001 and the Rise of U.S. Neocons (Part Three)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Preemptive Strike & Neocons Mainstream Media Propaganda (Part Four)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchy and Neocons Destructive Agenda (Part Five)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchy and Neocons Destructive Agenda (Part Six: coming soon)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | U.S.-NATO Serbian Genocide (Part Seven: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for Oil and Control of the Middle East (Part Eight: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for OIL and Control of the Middle East (Part Nine: planned)

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Filed under Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Central Banking, China, Color Revolution, Corruption, Coup d'état, Daesh, Fascism, France, Geopolitics, Geostrategy, Germany, IS, ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, Libya, NATO, Neo Con, NWO, Russia, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Vladimir Putin, WWI

U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchs and Neocons’ Feudalistic Power Grab (Part Six)

There is a special breed of international financiers whose success typically is built upon certain character traits. Those include cold objectivity, immunity to patriotism, and indifference to the human condition. That profile is the basis for proposing a theoretical strategy, called the Rothschild Formula, which motivates such men to propel governments into war for the profits they yield… As long as the mechanism of central banking exists, it will be to such men an irresistible temptation to convert debt into perpetual war and war into perpetual debt.”        

  —G. Edward Griffin | Author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island

People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.” 

—Zbigniew Brzezinski | Author of “The Grand Chessboard

Geopoliticalnews suggests a review of Part One, Part Two, Part Three of our series on “U.S. exceptionalism and its global terror management.” This alleged 21st century U.S. exceptionalism, Part Four and Part Five, doctrine is perfectly sustained by a the resurgence of virulent brand of neocon propaganda spewed by major U.S. newspapers with its goons and stooges: Part Four and Part Five.

We saw how this swaggering super-arrogant superpower, cowboys-on-steroids, imperialist U.S.A. continues to spread its “gospel of democracy”, mostly with coup d’états and wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Ukraine, to name just a few) and defend its fiat currency: USD, EUR, GBP and YEN system against the rising alternative offered by the BRICS, China’s SCO, AIIB, the new Shanghai Gold Exchange, the Financial Future Exchange (CFFEX), the CIPS, and the (Chinese) Renminbi, which entered the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on October 1st of 2016. We reviewed the neocon financial tools: Quantitative Easing (QE) “to infinity” and derivative products such as Credit Default Swaps (CDS) as a way of kicking the financial can down the road and saw how ECB, FED, BOE and BOJ Central Banks destroy capital for the sake of bailing out the too-big-to-jail financial institutions.

As Dr. Stephen J. Sniegoski writes in: Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel: “It was only the traumatic effects of the 9/11 terrorism that enabled the agenda of the neocons to become the policy of the United States of America.”

Where is the judicial foundation of all those U.S.-wars and coup d’états? Was the U.S., Britain or France threatened by Libya? What’s the heck were France (with its French President neocon Sarkozy) and Britain doing bombing Libya? Why were France and Britain meddling in Africa’s richest country and attacking its sovereignty instead of minding their own business and rebuilding their crumbling road-infrastructure or reducing their astronomic public debts, both in excess of two billion Euro?

What is Germany doing bombing Syria with the US-Allies and supporting the Empire of Chaos’ neocon imperialistic agenda instead of protecting the sovereignty of its own German territory? Where is the balance between the executive, legislative and judicial branches with its system of checks and balances? How could Angela Merkel have overstepped the judicial raison d’être of the German constitution to open Germany’s borders on September the 4th of 2015? Did Merkel consult with her government? Did Merkel democratically ask the German People?

How about the 9/11 hijacking of the U.S. Democracy? Shouldn’t have the legislative branch of the U.S government, represented by Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, been active? How come the U.S. Congress did not impeach the Bushes, Clinton’s and alleged Kenyan Squatter in Chief himself for drug trafficking and/or war crimes? Could not these be the signs of a resurging “democratic totalitarianism” just about to transform itself into outright fascism? Are we becoming a dystopian society?  Remember Henry Gouroux’s observation on oligarchy aka plutocracy and kleptocracy? 

The western world has being taken captive by oligarchs, plutocrats and kleptocrats represented by key cartel groups ruling the world of finances and business: We could call them the profiteering beneficiaries who can be easily classified in seven different industrial cartels: Finance, Media, Energy, Military, Pharmacy, Chemy and food:

1. Finance cartel

  • World Bank | USA
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) | USA
  • The Institute for the Works of Religion | Vatican Bank | Italy
  • Bank of International  Settlements (BIS) | Switzerland
  • Private Federal Reserve Bank (FED) | USA
  • Bank of England (BOE) | Britain
  • European Central Bank (ECB) | Germany
  • Bank of Japan (BOJ) | Japan
  • JP Morgan Chase & Co. | USA
  • Goldman Sachs | USA
  • Citigroup Inc | USA
  • Wells Fargo & Co. | USA
  • Bank of America | USA
  • BNP Paribas | France
  • Deutsche Bank | Germany

2. Media cartel

  • Google | USA | USD 74.64 billion
  • Walt Disney | USA | USD 52.46 billion
  • Comcast | USA | USD 75.51 billion
  • 21st Century Fox | USA | USD 28.99 billion
  • Facebook | USA | USD 17.93 billion
  • Bertelsmann | Germany | USD 17.14 billion
  • Viacom | USA | USD 13.27 billion
  • CBS | USA | USD 13.89 billion
  • Baidu | China | USD 66.4 billion
  • News Corp | USA | USD 33.7 billion

___geopolitics_part-6_7-sisters-energy-cartel_023. Energy cartel: “Seven Sisters” which became the Super Majors

4. Military cartel:

  • Lockheed Martin | USA
  • Boeing | USA
  • BAE Systems | UK
  • Raytheon | USA
  • General Dynamics | USA
  • Northrop Grumman | USA
  • Airbus Group | FRA & GER | EU

5. Pharmacy cartel

  • Johnson & Johnson | USA | ÚSD 70.07 billion
  • Novartix | Switzerland | USD 49.4 billion
  • Roche | Switzerland| CHF 48.14 billion
  • Pfizer | USA | USD 48.85 billion
  • Sanofi | France | EUR 37.05 billion
  • Merck Group | Germany | EUR 11.36 billion
  • Glaxo Smith Kline; GSK | Britain | GBP 23.92 billion  

6. Chemy cartel

  • BASF | Germany | USD 78.70 billion
  • Dow Chemical | USA | USD 58.2 billion
  • Sinopec | China | USD 58 billion
  • SABIC | Saudi Arabia | USD 43.3 billion
  • Exxon Mobil | USA | USD 38.2 billion
  • Formosa Plastics | Taiwan | USD 37.1 billion
  • Lyondell Basell Industries | USA | USD 34.8 billion
  • DuPont| USA | USD 29.9 billion
  • Ineos | Switzerland | USD 54 billion
  • Bayer | Germany | USD 28.1 billion

___geopolitics_part-6_10-larges-food-biz7. Food cartel

  • Nestlé | Switzerland | CHF 88.8 billion
  • Pepsi Co. | USA | USD 63.06 billion
  • Unilever | Britain and Netherlands | EUR 53.27 billion
  • Coca Cola | USA | USD 44.29 billion
  • Mars | USA | USD 33 billion
  • Mondelēz | USA | USD 29.6 billion
  • Danone | France | EUR 22.41 billion
  • General Mills | USA | USD 16.6 billion
  • Kellogg’s | USA| USD 14.8 billion
  • Associated British Foods | Britain | GBP 12.8 billion

Bruno Gebarski

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Filed under AIIB, Angela Merkel, BRICS, Central Banking, China, Color Revolution, Corruption, Fascism, France, Geopolitics, Germany, IMF, Migrant, NED, Neo Con, New Development Bank, NGO, NWO, Refugees, Renminbi, Russia, Sarkozy, SCO, SDR, SGE, Syria, USA, USD, WWI, WWII, WWIII, Yuan

Sixteen Reasons why the United States of America has become a Third World Country

I have been wrestling with the fact that the U.S.A could have already become a Third World Nation:

—Hollyweird movies and entertainment (incidentally being bought by China)
____geopolitics_p_mansantooa—GMO Genetically Modified Organism Export poisoning (India)
—Systematic Destruction of U.S. Middle Class
—23-24% unemployment: According U.S. John Williams’ Shadowstats.com
—U.S. plants outsourced and replaced by import mainly from Asia: China and Europe
—Washington fascist neocon régime established since 911 coup d’état
Corrupt Republican and Democratic Washington cesspool
Rigged U.S. presidential 2016 elections
—Money Printing (QE), Zimbabwe style
—Bond fraud: via former bond fraud master Lolita Express-Bill Clinton, the Federal Reserve banksters and Wall Street Banks
Large U.S. Banks liquidity upheld via narcotic money laundering: Afghanistan |  Wells Fargo/Wachovia and the Mexican Drug Cartel
_____geopolitics_p_tppb—Currency warfare with China & Russia (BRICS) but also with Europe especially Germany: VW
—Systematic destruction of Central Europe: Particularly with the migration weapon used against Germany & Austria
_____geopolitics_p_middleeast_qatar-turkey-gaslineaWars & Coup d’états to uphold the USD currency reserve status—Syrian war to stop the Shiite Iran-Iraq-Syrian-Europe pipeline controlled by Russia (Gazprom) & China in favor of the Qatar-Saudi-Jordan-Turkey Sunnite U.S. controlled route towards Europe
U.S. coup d’état and war in Ukraine to hinder a geopolitical rapprochement between Germany & Russia: Stratfor: George Friedman geopolitical think tank.

_____geopolitics_p_ttip_tpp_ceta_tisaTPP, TTIP, CETA and TISA aka U.S. fascist trade agreements forced down the throat of Asian, European & South American countries
—War-mongering via NATO (and its illegitimate expansion) to provoke Russia into WWIII

If you are now wondering, I do not wrestle anymore.

Bruno P. Gebarski

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Filed under BRICS, China, Corruption, Fascism, Geopolitics, Geostrategy, Germany, NATO, Neo Con, Russia, Terrorism, USA, WWIII

Is Germany’s systematic societal breakdown sponsored by its own government? Has German Kanzler Merkel become a nuisance?

Since 1945, U.S. occupied Germany, reunited since the 3rd of October 1990, is nothing less or more than a Western European 51st U.S. State. Germany, and its 21 U.S. military bases, serves as a U.S. territorial military dependence from where U.S. drone-wars are baked up on three continents: Europe, Middle East/Africa and Eurasia. Germany is headed by a pro-NATO, pro-US, pro neo-liberal, pro neo con governmental coalition and its Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel most likely not allowed sneezing without having first to request Washington for written permission. As Noam Chomsky says: “We all know that there is nothing new and nothing liberal about Neo Liberalism.”

Kanzlerin Merkel reminds me of a former German Church Organization that I knew well. It was headed by a quasi German/American leader; who, when asked by his female personnel (one of them being my ex-German wife) if women could wear pants at work, first had to make a formal written request to U.S. Californian Headquarters to find out. Ludicrous to say the least but the analogy with Kanzlerin Merkel applies more than we think. Germany is viewed by many Germans as U.S. occupied territory. As a close German friend recently said: “Even the Russians [former Soviet Union] left Germany!”

Angela Merkel’s Fourth of September 2015German open house policy” was decided in good old fascist style neither consulting with her own government nor with the German People: who will end up picking up the tab as always.  It never was or is an invitation to refugees arriving with families and children but about male military aged migrants, 75% — 80%, coined as refugees by our U.S., French, British and German mainstream media propagandists: All CIA-controlled and CIA-led as former Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) German journalist and whistleblower Udo Ulfkotte reports in his well researched book: “Gekaufte Journalisten” or “Bribed Journalists.”

At this time I would like to urge British and US readers to take the time to listen to the thirteen minutes Udo Ulfkotte’s presentation on his book: “Gekaufte Journalisten.

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German media propaganda regularly covers up Muslim offenses and crimes; conceals their sexual debauchery, falsifies their criminal reports to a point that it is reaching a treacherous societal climax of division and hatred. Even Mutti (Mother) Merkel cannot get around it anymore.  Those Migrants are potential “dormant male mercenaries” a “stand by” Muslim army ready for action! Social Kamikazes who accelerate the structural destruction of German society and its infrastructure. Sports facilities have been vandalized, women are being attacked on a regular basis, rape and criminality is skyrocketing but purposely covered up by German mainstream Media propaganda.

Meanwhile German citizens are imprisoned for refusing to pay TV propaganda fees that have skyrocketed to such a level that they are often described by a growing numbers of citizens as news racketeering. There is even an air tax (Luft Steuer) in Germany for business displays that are taking more outside space than the “normed space” allowed. Just like a driver’s license, one needs a “fishing license” if wanting to fish in public waters.

___Screen Shot 07-25-16 at 06.10 PMBut let’s review one week of violence and Kanzlerin new perspectives for Germany since the bloody attacks in Nice on the 14th of July 2016 (French Bastille Day):

Würzburg, Bavaria | July 19, 2016

A 17-year-old Afghan migrant injured four people with a knife and an ax on a train in Würzburg, Germany, before being shot dead by police. Islamic State would have claimed responsibility for the attack as the bloody assault intensifies Germany’s emotional debate about its migrant policy and Islamist terrorism.

Munich | July 22, 2016

According the Wall Street Journal, nine people would have been killed and 35 injured after an alleged lone gunman would have opened fire at a shopping center in Munich last Friday, with officials saying he appeared to have had an interest in mass shootings. The Western Propaganda is contradicting itself constantly since we’ve heard of three different locations where violent potentially terrorist attacks have taken place.

Reutlingen near Stuttgart | July 24, 2016

A Syrian man used a long knife to kill a woman in Reutlingen (not far from the Swabian Capital of Stuttgart) on Sunday! He injured two other people before being detained, police said. The 21-year-old asylum seeker is from Syria, the police said. The man was known by the German Police and had already been charged in the past with assault.

Ansbach (Bavaria) | July 24, 2016

German Authorities reported a 27-year-old Syrian man who tried to enter an outdoor concert in Ansbach (southern Germany) and then blew himself up, injuring 15 people, in what appeared to be Germany’s first suicide bombing in years.

How long will Germans put off with this sort of domestic violence?  Violence obviously tolerated if not even “sponsored” by Merkel’s neo liberal government!

Bruno P. Gebarski



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Filed under Angela Merkel, Color Revolution, Corruption, Fascism, Migrant, NATO, NGO, NWO, Refugees, USA

Fifteen Years of Western NATO and US-led “Terror Management” | NATO’s Totalitarian Expansion | Neo-Conservatism | NGOs and Color Revolutions

EU_Gorbachev_EUSSIn the previous blog article, we reviewed how post WWI U.S. replaced the British Empire with the start of the private Federal Reserve and post WWII 1944 Bretton Woods agreements with the establishment of the U.S. Dollar as world currency; the 1971 de-pegging of the USD from gold, the 1973 Rockefeller’s crude oil quadrupled price heist also known as “Oil Crisis”, the 1989 Berlin wall events that reunited Germany and triggered the destruction of the Union of the Socialist States of Russia (USSR) and the promise the United States made to the Soviet Union (now Russia) not to use German Reunification as an opportunity for NATO‘s expansion.

Totalitarian Democracies | Neocolonialism | Color Revolutions

Why would the United States of America embarrass its Western European allies and break its promise? A few months later, on March the 12th of 1999, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland became full members of NATO. In 2004, on March the 29th, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia joined the ranks of NATO, and last but not least, Albania and Croatia in 2009!

Color Revolution is a neocolonialism form of 21st century warfare! I would like to suggest color revolutions as a  cyber- or net-centric digital warfare form of the old fashioned coup d’état. Why digital? Because the U.S. army, transnational crime organizations and NGOs, among others, use social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, ask.fm, Tumblr in a highly sophisticated and coordinated manner (flashmobs) to disseminate their propaganda via social swarming:

“Tweeting the Arab Spring? That’s so 2010. A future tactic in cyber-based-information warfare is built upon mobile-media wielding e-citizen soldiers employing social swarming tactics to overwhelm a system, a decision maker, or a critical node. These mobile networks are vital to starting and maintaining cyber-based insurgency, drawing physical and moral strength from super-empowered individuals, while also using super-connected-individual networks to spread information, move undetected, and muster support, constantly one step ahead of authorities. It is possible for this swarm to move from the online world into the real world where violence may ensue.” (source: usacac.army) It is one of the many venues Western totalitarian democracies (such as the U.S. and its EU vassal state) use. Totalitarian democracy is a term that F. William Engdahl coined in his challenging book: “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order.”
In the articleNeo-Cons for human rights” Tony Cartalucci makes a very insightful statement about Neo-Conservatism: “As counter-intuitive as it may sound, a great deal of Neo-Conservatives are deeply involved in human rights. One may wonder in what capacity, since this war mongering clique of big-business connected scoundrels is renowned for its role in the most unprecedented, flagrant, and grievous human rights violations in American history.”
The United States of America, NATO and the European Union use some of the following tools and tactics (alphabetically ordered)
  • Balkanisation of target countries and regions
  • Central Banking such as the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England (BoE) and Bank of Japan (BoJ)
  • Color Revolutions: Serbia/Kosovo, Georgia and Ukraine
  • Media propaganda via Western Press under U.S. CIA control
  • NATO as an international tool of neocolonialism expansion
  • Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Social Media propaganda (Kosovo and Egypt) used by the military
  • Social Swarming military techniques (flachmobs, e-citizens)
  • War on Terror: a fictitious enemy that can be created any where any time with U.S. | Western | Saudi | Israeli army subsidiaries such as Al Qaeda, ISIS, IS, ISIL, Daesh or Blackwater: One of the many (170) private mercenaries firms employed by the U.S. during the war in Iraq.

to expand their geopolitical reach, sphere of “influence” and financial “thiefdom.” Just like the old communist iron curtain exemplified by the Berlin Wall, a similar “EU-Financial Wall” has been raised with the single European currency. As Prof. Dr. Politics_F_Friedrich.Hayek_ServitudeWilhelm Hankel used to say: Nineteen men of different heights and statures cannot expect a tailor to cut them one single suit to fit them all!” This is what the EUR is supposed to be; in the long term the EUR can only “survive” under the terms of financial fascism and slavery countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and France are already experiencing.

Colored revolutions always occur in a nation with strategic, natural resources: gas, oil, military bases and geopolitical interests. And they also take place in countries with socialist-leaning, anti-imperialist governments. The movements promoted by US agencies in those countries are generally anti-communist, anti-socialist, pro-capitalist and pro-imperialist.” writes international lawyer and consultant Eva Golinger In her article “Colored Revolutions, a New Form of Régime Change Made in the USA:”

“In 1983, the strategy of overthrowing inconvenient governments and calling it ‘democracy promotion’ was born. Through the creation of a private ‘foundations’ also known as Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)” such as:

  • Canva: Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies
  • Albert Einstein Institution (AEI): Advancing freedom through non violent action”
  • Freedom House: 75 years championing democracy
  • International Center for Non-Violent Conflict (ICNC): “Nonviolent conflict is a way for people to fight for rights”
  • International Republican Institute (IRI): “Advancing Democracy Worldwide” (Board of directors: John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Brent Scowcroft)
  • National Democratic Institute (NDI): “Support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide”
  • National Endowment for Democracy (NED): “Supporting freedom around the world freedom, justice, self-determination, and accountable government, through the use of civil resistance”
  • Project for the New American Century (PNAC)
  • USAID: “We partner to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity”


” . . . The Washington régime filters funding and strategic aid to political parties and groups abroad that promotes U.S. agenda in nations with insubordinate governments.” Golinger goes on to say: “Behind all these ‘foundations’ and ‘institutes’ is the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the financial branch of the Department of State. Today, USAID has become a critical part of the security, intelligence and defense axis in Washington. In 2009, the Inter-agency Counterinsurgency Initiative became official doctrine in the US. Now, USAID is the principal entity that promotes the economic and strategic interests of the US across the globe as part of counterinsurgency operations. Its departments dedicated to transition initiatives, reconstruction, conflict management, economic development, governance and democracy are the main venues through which millions of dollars are filtered from Washington to political parties, NGOs, student organizations and movements that promote US agenda worldwide. Wherever a coup d’état, a colored revolution or a regime change favorable to US interests occurs, USAID and its flow of dollars is there.”

 Geopolitics_F_Real.Threat.for.EU.peace.USASo what are color revolutions? According Golinger: “. . . The procedure is often the same. Sponsored students and youth movements lead the way with a new face, attracting others to join in as though it were the fashion, the cool thing to do. There’s always a logo, a color, a marketing strategy. In Serbia, the group OTPOR, which led the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic, hit the streets with t-shirts, posters and flags boasting a fist in black and white, their symbol of resistance. In Ukraine, the logo remained the same, but the color changed to orange. In Georgia, it was a rose-colored fist, and in Venezuela, instead of the closed fist, the hands are open, in black and white, to add a little variety.”

Vladimir Putting stated: “Today almost un-contained hyper use of military force in international relations is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts.” Adds Russian General L. Ivashov: “Terrorism is simply a new type of war in order to install a unipolar world, a pretext to establish the rule of a world élite.”

Bruno P. Gebarski

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Filed under Angela Merkel, Blackwater, Central Banking, Color Revolution, Corruption, Coup d'état, Facebook, Fascism, Geopolitics, Germany, Middle East, Mikhail Gorbachev, NATO, NED, Neo Con, NGO, NWO, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russia, Sergey Lavrov, Social Media, Twitter, Ukraine, USA, Vladimir Putin, YouTube