Tag Archives: IMF

U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Preemptive Strike & Neocons Mainstream Media Propaganda (Part Four)

In Part One, Part Two and Part Three of this series, we saw how the U.S. has become the Unipolar geopolitical Hegemon of our 21st Century although threatened by regional powers China and Russia. We compared conservatives and neoconservatives policies and observed how the military doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) has been replaced by the post 9/11 neocon belief of “preemptive strike.”

geopolitics_f_noam-chomsky-german-political-culture_1Growing up in France in the early 70’s, I often listened to La Voix de la Russie (The Voice of Russia) and its daily spew of communist propaganda that I found amusing. Why? Because my family comes from Poland: Mom and Dad (born in Grenoble and Paris) had both Polish Parents. I once recall a radio-guest being asked about “allegedshootings and deaths of German Democratic Republic (GDR) citizens being caught trying to escape to the West. The GDR official replied: “This is Western Propaganda, the Berlin Wall is here to ‘protect’ GDR citizens from Westerners trying to ‘enter illegally’ into the German Democratic Republic (sic).”

What is actually atypical and preposterous is the fact that things have literally turned around one hundred per cent.  Similar to the former Soviet Union times, I am convinced that a new breed of propaganda has emerged: But this time, it comes from the West! Just like in the 70’s and 80’s the old Soviet Union was trying to “protect and defend” its crumbling empire, today’s Empire of Chaos (U.S., Britain and EU) is upholding its too-big-to-fail aka too-big-to-jail institutions via private Central Banks: FED, BOE, ECB and BOJ and a full array of financial policies, products and dicey skims:


Jacob Rothschild admits:

“The six months under review have seen [private central] bankers continuing what is surely the greatest experiment in monetary policy in the history of the whole world. We are therefore in uncharted waters and it is impossible to predict the unintended consequences of very low interest rates…” (see also here and here)

Witnessing how NATO has transformed itself, from a former Cold War defensive-asset into a war mongering neocon terror organization, one may just wonder at its horrific 78-day Serbian ethnic cleansing undertook in 1999 via the targeting of white Christian Serbs who did not pose any threat to Yugoslavia or NATO allies whatsoever.

During an interview by Andy Clark with Noam Chomsky, at the Amsterdam Forum on the 18th of December 2005:”Terror and Iraq“, Chomsky replied: “. . . [A]lthough every sane person knows that [oil] was the reason, if Iraq had been producing pickles and lettuce, would they have been invaded? I mean, let’s be serious. Of course it’s oil.” It was a calling for U.S. President George Walker Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Anthony Charles Lynton (Tony) Blair‘s “Messianic Mission” too, Chomsky went on to say: “Bring democracy to Iraq and immediately everyone had to leap on the democratization bandwagon and it began to be described as the most noble war in history and so on and so forth.

And indeed, the mainstream media hogwash went on to spew even more neocon propaganda extraordinaire. I do apologize to my readers for this brief linguistic lesson but ordinär in German comes from the French ordinaire. “Extra-ordinär” then would mean “extra-vulgar” and/or “extra-offensive, which would very well describe the inaccuracy, falsehood and deceit of the three following statements:

___screen-shot-09-19-16-at-06-31-am“This is an extraordinary achievement, (15:19) nearly nine years in the making. And today, we remember everything that you did to make it possible. … (32:35) Years from now, your legacy will endure. In the names of your fallen comrades etched on headstones at Arlington and the quiet memorials across our country. In the whispered words of admiration as you march in parades, and in the freedom of our children and grandchildren. And in the quiet of night, you will recall that your heart was once touched by fire. You will know that you answered when your country called; you served a cause greater than yourselves. You helped forge a just and lasting peace with Iraq, and among all nations. I could not be prouder of you, and America could not be prouder of you. God bless you all, God bless your families, and God bless the United States of America.” —U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama | December 14, 2011 | Fort Bragg, North Carolina, USA

*William Blum concludes: “”Does Mr. [Barack Hussein] Obama, the Peace Laureate, believe the words that come out of his mouth? Barack H. Obama believes only in being the president of the United States. It is the only strong belief the man holds. But freedom has indeed reigned — for the great multinationals to extract everything they can from Iraq’s resources and labor without the hindrance of [Iraqi] public interest laws, environmental regulations, or worker protections.” (emphasis Geopoliticalnews)

*Blum, William. “3.” America’s Deadliest Export Democracy: The Truth about US Foreign Policy and Everything Else. Cape Town: Best Red, 2013. p60. Print.

Let’s conclude briefly with the Iraq death toll and honor the Dads and Moms who are still mourning and grieving for the lost of their sons and daughters: Fathers and Mothers who have been given the U.S. Flag, as badge of honor, for having traded the lives of their kids: Potential children of God created in God’s Own Image: Genesis 1:26.

Bruno Gebarski


Additional Reading:

  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part One)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part Two)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | September 11th 2001 and the Rise of U.S. Neocons (Part Three)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Preemptive Strike & Neocons Mainstream Media Propaganda (Part Four)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Preemptive Strike & Neocons Mainstream Media Propaganda (Part Five: in progress)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | U.S.-NATO Serbian Genocide (Part Six: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for Oil and Control of the Middle East (Part Seven: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for OIL and Control of the Middle East (Part Eight: planned)















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Filed under Central Banking, Color Revolution, Fascism, Geopolitics, Geostrategy, IMF, NATO, Neo Con, NWO, Russia, Terrorism, Ukraine, USA, WWIII

U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | September 11th 2001 and the Rise of The U.S. Neocons (Part 3)

__book_pepe-escobar_empire-of-chaosIn Part One and Part Two of this series, we reviewed why the United States of America has become the geopolitical Hegemon of our 21st Century. Rising powers China and Russia are threatening the geopolitical and geofinancial “command and control” neocon-led Empire of Chaos (as coined by Pepe Escobar) and forcing the U.S. to defend its US-Dollar Reserve Currency status with extraordinary and non-diplomatic means: Quantitative Easing or QE Zimbabwe style fiat paper money printing, color revolutions, coups d’états, war crimes, subversion, coercion and weapons of mass migration: Germany and Austria being the latest victims. However, China and the BRICS offer an array of geopolitical, financial and banking services providing the international community with a worthy alternative to both collapsing Petrodollar and US-Dollar:  

  • BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as an alternative to the Bretton Woods Western nations USD, GBP, EUR and ¥EN
  • SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an alternative to NATO
  • AIIB: Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank as an alternative to the IMF
  • CIPS: Chinese inter-banking payment system as an alternative to SWIFT
  • Shanghai Gold Exchange: an alternative to the paper-fraud markets of London and New York
  • CFFEX: China’s New, China Financial Future Exchange

It is also well worth noticing the entry of the Chinese Renminbi (CN¥ or Chinese Yuan) into the Special Drawing Right (SDR): the Elite currency club of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As of October 1st of 2016, the Chinese Renminbi will have entered the privileged club of pristine world reserve currencies: US Dollar, Euro, British Pound and Japanese ¥en to become its fifth international reserve currency:

___screen-shot-09-17-16-at-07-09-amA few days back, we remembered September 11th 2001 15h anniversary. We are still longing for the full disclosure of what really happened. Similar to President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination in Dallas, we most likely will never find out. Nonetheless, we now have proof of 9/11’s Mainstream Media cover-up as well as strong evidence for a miniature nuclear implosion/detonation with the use of thermite.

9/11 remains the coup d’état par excellence : A terror attack applied upon the American Sheeple and the creation of a fictitious enemy the Establishment can adapt, relocate and rename at anytime: The perfect enactment of a self-made neocon catastrophe that rallied people internationally, emotionally and passionately behind a newly created brand of terror: Al Qaeda, ISIS, The Levant, IS, ISIL, The Islamist State, Daesh or Al Nusra. All should be considered the neocons’ “War on Terror trademark“; a mainstream propaganda tool easily sold to a Western crowd way too busy with ubiquitous Internet, smartphones or Britain’s Got Talent. After 9/11, Al Qaeda 2.0 or ISIS would follow. Trained mercenaries are backed up financially by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; they often follow the Wahhabi strain of Islam that produces so many ISIS militants: Thanks to Washington’s acquiescence.  An updated version of ISIS, The Islamic State, would follow in Syria after Russia and China refused a similar French-led NATO bombing on Libya.

geopolitics_f_the-balkans_aThe iniquitous 1999 US-NATO dismantling of Yugoslavia (that preceded 9/11) was followed by a 78-day NATO “humanitarian bombing” of Kosovo with the help of German co-conspirator. Kosovo did not pose any threat within Yugoslavia or to any members of the NATO alliance whatsoever: Thus a flagrant crime of aggression in violation of Article 2.4 of the UN Charter. As we shall see in the next installment (Part 5) Kosovo’s capture could have been on U.S. Pentagon’s drawing board for three main reasons:

  • Control the Balkan pipeline energy-grid between Western Europe, Eurasia, and Russia
  • Control the heroin Balkan route from Central Asia’s Golden Crescent (Afghanistan) to Europe and beyond
  • Control South Eastern Europe with  1000 acres (3 km²) of U.S. military footprint: Camp Bondsteel

In a Global Research‘s article: Neocon 101: What do Neo-conservatives Believe? Global Research author asks the question: “What is the difference between a neoconservative and a conservative: Liberals first applied the ‘neo’ prefix to their comrades who broke ranks to become more conservative in the 1960s and 70s. The defectors remained more liberal on some domestic policy issues. But foreign policy stands have always defined neoconservatism. Where other conservatives favored détente and containment of the Soviet Union, neocons pushed direct confrontation, which became their raison d’être during the 1970s and 80’s.”

Mutual Assured Destruction or mutually assured destruction (MAD) [was] a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender … It was based on the theory of deterrence, which holds that the threat of using strong weapons was a military strategy” dear to President Regan during the Cold War era. Ronald Reagan mantra was “peace through strength“, “peace was the end; strength was the mean“: it was based on a policy of military détente and as much as possible entente cordiale. 

U.S. neocons have pushed aside the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine to replace it with preemptive strikeDid you catch that? Preemptive strike…? The next installment (Part 4 of this series) will magnify the thought of “Preemptive Strike” and the nefariousness of these U.S. fascist neocons and their warmongering philosophy.

Beliefs: Conservatives

Beliefs: Neo Conservatives

MAD as Military deterrence Preemptive military strike | war
Peace through strength Use of U.S. unrivaled military power
Peace is the end, strength is the mean Forcefully promote U.S. values around the world: color revolutions and coups d’états
Reservation about military intervention Cultivation of a U.S. Empire (NGO propaganda)
Reservation about so called “nation building” “Democratic” transformation of the Middle East (Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Syria)
Policy of détente and containment with Russia Policy of aggression against Russia (NATO Anaconda-2016)
Multipolar world is supported U.S. is the unchallenged superpower and “benevolent” global Hegemon
Potential U.S.-threats are appeased or contained Potential U.S.-threats are confronted aggressively

__book_william-blum_americasdeadliest-export_democracyIn his blog-article “American Exceptionalism and the Election Made in Hell (Or Why I’d Vote for Trump Over Hillary)”, William Blum, author of America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else, writes:

My main concern is foreign policy. American foreign policy is the greatest threat to world peace, prosperity, and the environment [emphasis Geopoliticalnews]. And when it comes to foreign policy, Hillary Clinton is a[n utter] disaster. From Iraq and Syria to Libya and Honduras the world is a much worse place because of her; so much so that I’d call her a war criminal who should be prosecuted. And not much better can be expected on domestic issues from this woman who was paid $675,000 by Goldman Sachs [fascist bankster cabal criminals] – one of the most reactionary, anti-social corporations in this sad world – for four speeches and even more than that in political donations in recent years. Add to that Hillary’s willingness to serve for six years on the board of Walmart while her husband was governor of Arkansas. Can we expect to change corporate behavior by taking their money?”

 Bruno Gebarski

Additional Reading:

  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part One)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy (Part Two)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | September 11th 2001 and the Rise of U.S. Neocons (Part Three)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Preemptive Strike & Neocons Mainstream Media Propaganda (Part Four)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchy and Neocons Destructive Agenda (Part Five)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Oligarchy and Neocons Destructive Agenda (Part Six: coming soon)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | U.S.-NATO Serbian Genocide (Part Seven: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for Oil and Control of the Middle East (Part Eight: planned)
  • U.S. Exceptionalism and U.S. Global Terror Management Strategy | Iraq the War for OIL and Control of the Middle East (Part Nine: planned)



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Filed under AIIB, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, BRICS, Central Banking, China, Color Revolution, Coup d'état, Daesh, Germany, IMF, IS, ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, Libya, Middle East, Migrant, NATO, Neo Con, New Development Bank, NGO, Renminbi, Russia, SCO, SDR, SGE, Syria, Terrorism, Ukraine, USA, USD, Yuan

Fifteen Years of Western NATO and US-led “Terror Management” | Post 1989 German Reunification | NATO’s Totalitarian Expansion | Neo-Conservatism

Book_The.Great.Deformation_David.A.StockmanWWII victorious U.S. and Allies shrewdly forced the U.S. Dollar upon the international community with its 1944 Bretton Woods agreements. Every U.S. Dollar the Federal Reserve, a private banking cartel, printed would be redeemable for gold at a standard rate of $35/oz. The Vietnam War, which required much more expenditures from the U.S. than expected, made the Federal Reserve print more U.S. Dollar notes than could be covered by gold. U.S. gold reserves were facing enormous pressure due to balance of payment concerns, the Vietnam War debt and Great Society programs, and the ensuing monetary inflation. A growing number of countries began to redeem their dollar holdings for gold: Consequently, on August the 15th of 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon announced the de-pegging of the USD from gold. Director David Stockman, in his splendid book, The Great Deformation, cites this date as the beginning of an era of “fiat money.”

Book_Frank.Capell_Henry.Kissenger_Soviet.AgentIn 1973, the Rockefellers came up with a brilliant idea: Since America was such a great military power and Saudi Arabia needed protection for its vast oil empires, the Rockefellers publically used Soviet KGB agent and Jewish Nazi informant Henry (Heinz) Alfred Kissinger (born in Fuerth, Germany in 1923) to exchange America’s military might for Saudi Arabia’s promise to sell oil exclusively in U.S. Dollars. Between 1973 and 1974, the price of oil went from three to twelve U.S. Dollar per barrel globally: A 300% increase! Heinz Kissinger, who developed a relationship with Nelson Rockefeller (Frank Capell, Henry Kissinger: Soviet Agent. Cincinnati, 1992, p. 29), is a (Jewish) Zionist, author of the following quote: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

Central bankers’ deal of the century:

  1. The Rockefeller man-made “1971 oil crisis” forced countries in Europe to borrow more from Central Banks.
  2. The Saudis and OPEC reaped an incredible wealth but were compelled, by Rockefeller via Henry Kissinger, to source their military gear from the U.S. military industrial complex.
  3. “Rockies & Rothies” cashed in on both sides; Central Banks and gas stations (via Shell, BP, Exon), where consumers pick(ed) up the tab at a present average price of 1,25 €/liter in Germany ($ 5,20/gal.) including 68% energy tax and value-added tax.
  4. Countries had first to convert their local currency into U.S. Dollars thus having to export goods and services in order to get the U.S. dollars they needed to buy oil as opposed to the U.S. who could “print” (via the Federal Reserve cartel) whenever the need occured.

Mackinder and the Heartland Theory

Clipboard_Image 007“Before the American Empire there was the British Empire, and before Zbigniew Brzezinski (Author of ‘The Grand Chessboard’) there was Sir Halford John Mackinder (1861 — 1947). This Oxford academic-turned-policy guru was ostensibly a ‘geographer’, but he also possessed a certain ‘industriousness’ that led to him being Britain’s king-maker n behalf of the Eastern European states carved out of Europe’s fallen empires after WW1. In 1904, Mackinder submitted an article to the Royal Geographical Society titled ‘The Geographical Pivot of History’, in which he formulated the ‘Heartland Theory’, which he himself later boiled down to this: ‘Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island controls the world.’ —Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, p. 194.” According to Zbigniew Brzezinski (inspired by Mackinder), those who control Eurasia control Africa, the Middle East and global oil and gas flows (the economic artery system of the world).

Clipboard_Image 006On November the 9th of 1989, when the menacing Berlin wall, originally constructed in 1961 (155km/96,3ml), came tumbling down, there was a Ludwig van Beethoven “Ode to Joy” type of spirit in Berlin; an atmosphere of reconciliation between former German Democratic Republic (GDR) citizens and their Western counterparts. It was some sort of a Jubilee Celebration whereby Eastern Germans were heading back to their homeland. Meanwhile, the bankrupt Soviet Union (USSR) was collapsing into chaos and its Warsaw Pact, counteracting NATO’s western alliance, was falling apart. The USSR’s nuclear threat was dissolving and, within a few months, Western Europe was lively debating the obsolescence of NATO and its possible dismantle. Former Soviet Leader Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, warned on November 8 of 1989 that a new Cold War was taking shape: “now is not the time for recriminations. Let us work hard to restore confidence.”

clipboard_10Following the fall of the Berlin Wall, parts of the U.S. military establishment got worried since their power base, made of post WWII Cold War and national security, were eroding! The Soviet enemy threat was disappearing faster than snow melting in the sun. The lucrative “Cold War” military business was threatened to the core; so how would the U.S. justify military spending without any obvious Soviet menace? One might think that it should have been time for the U.S.-led NATO troops to pack their aging and preposterous bags and for the Yanks to go home: But no, it did not happen that way!

clipboard_11Despite U.S. and NATO’s promises towards the former Soviet Union never to expand after German Reunification, the Pentagon and its NATO goons and cover-up agents went right along with the resurgence of a nefarious form of U.S. expansion: imperialism via neocolonialism. Thanks to the control of the Western and U.S. Press this agenda was sold to the masses under the cover up of “democracy, “liberation” and “free markets” mostly realized via NGOs, false flag operations and color revolutions. The fascist Washington Neo Cons swapped the Cold War policy of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) with the doctrine of Nuclear Primacy: First Strike.

__clipboard_image_16“What has happened in Crimea is a response to the format that made Ukrainian democracy collapse. And there is only one reason for this: the anti-Russian policy of the U.S. and some European countries. They seek to encircle Russia in order to weaken and eventually destroy it… There is a certain transnational elite that has been cherishing this dream for 300 years.”Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, 19 March 2014

Clipboard_Image 003Geopolitical Neo Con Agenda goes back as far as the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 in Jekyll Island followed by Bretton Woods, the 1973 Petro-dollar and the 2001 9/11 oligarch coup d’état on the American People , who’s democracy has been hijacked by an international group of financial fascist psychopaths. Many of us might perceive oligarchy in connection with Russia but the United States of America is an oligarchy not a democracy as a recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin concludes.

Trillionnaires Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, Busch and their billionaire minions Bill Gates, George Soros and Warren Buffett, to name just a few, are your 21st century kleptocrat class of criminal financiers and privateers who, like a tapeworm parasite, steal and loot wherever and whenever they can! Consider them as your 21st century digital gangsters, thugs and goons with their own set of oligarchic dictate. Those plutocrat neo-conservative fascists conquer the world with weapons of fiat money destruction. They steal and racketeer via renowned institutions such as the IMF, ECB, Federal Reserve, BoE and BoJ. They trade paper-money for countries’ hard core assets while using media as a weapon of mass deception.

In the next installment we shall look at Neo Conservatism and one of its main crusading tools: Color Revolutions via NGOs and how it was used to overthrow Slobodan Milošević in the NATO Kosovo/Serbian war.

Bruno P. Gebarski

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Filed under BRICS, Central Banking, Corruption, Coup d'état, Fascism, Geopolitics, George Soros, Geostrategy, Germany, NATO, Neo Con, NWO, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russia, USA, USD, WWII

China is Preparing the Gold Alternative to the U.S. Dollar-System

This article is an English translation of Frederick William Engdahl‘s article which first appeared on the Kopp Verlag blog under the German title: China bereitet Goldalternative zum Dollar-System-vor.

Current Chairman of the G20 group of nations China has invited France, among others, to organize a special conference in Paris. The fact that such a conference has taken place in an OECD country, is an indication of how weak the supremacy of the U.S.-dominated Dollar-system has already become.

Clipboard_Image 029On the 31 of March 2016, a special meeting with the name “Nanjing II” took place in Paris. In attendance was the Governor of the Central Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan. He gave a detailed presentation about the broader use of SDR or Special Drawing Rights of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a basket of five major world currencies.

Only a very few priviledged guests were invited. These included German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne and the IMF chief Christine Lagarde. They discussed with China the world financial architecture. What was striking and significant is the fact that not a single high-ranking US official participated.

Bloomberg reported about the Paris talks: “China aims to achieve a much stricter management system, in which private sector decisions are to be made by governments” said Edwin Truman, a former official of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury. “The French have always advocated an international monetary reform. Consequently they are china’s first choice ally.”

A China Youth Daily (China Youth) newspaper journalist, who was also in Paris said: “Zhou Xiaochuan pointed out that the international monetary and financial system, presently undergoing a structural adjustment, will cause many challenges for the world economy” . . . According Journalist Zhou, “China’s goal, as the current chairman of the G20 talks, is to promote a much wider use of the SDR.”

 Clipboard_Image 030Source: imf.org

For most of us this sounds as exciting as watching grass grow in the prairies. But behind this seemingly insignificant technical request, the overarching Chinese strategy turns out to be more and more the removal of the U.S. Dollar from its dominant role as a reserve currency of the world’s central banks.

China and others want to put an end to the tyranny of the bankrupt U.S. Dollar-system. This system has made it possible to finance countless wars with funds borrowed from other countries that have never been paid back. The strategy boils down to end the dominance of the U.S. Dollar as the currency for most of the world traded goods and services: This is no small matter!

Despite the U.S. economy being a wreck and Washington’s astronomical national debt of 19 trillion U.S. Dollars, up to 64 percent of all central bank reserves are still held in U.S. Dollars. The largest holder of U.S. Dollar debt is China, followed closely by Japan. As long as the U.S. Dollar is the “reserve currency”, Washington can accumulate endless deficits, knowing that countries like China have no serious alternative but to invest their foreign exchange profits into U.S. government bonds or government-guaranteed loans.

As I often pointed out, this in fact means that “China is de facto financing the Washington military campaigns,” which is in complete contradiction with Chinese or Russian interests, “as well as the numerous U.S. State Department color revolutions from Tibet to Hong Kong, Libya to the Ukraine or IS [ISIS, ISIL, Al Qaeda] in the Middle East,” and the list goes on and on…

A world made of many currencies

As we take a closer look at all the steps the Beijing government has taken since the 2008 global financial crisis – in particular the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank [AIIB], the New Development Bank [NDB] of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), and the bilateral agreement with Russia on energy supplies settled in domestic currencies thus bypassing the U.S. Dollar – it becomes clear that Zhou and Beijing’s leadership are pursuing a long-term strategy.

As British economist David Marsh pointed out regarding Zhou’s comments at the recent Nanjing II meeting in Paris, “China is pragmatically and steadily establishing a backup system of many currencies in the heart of the international world order.”

Since China’s currency was added to the selected group of SDR currencies last November, there is the system of multiple currencies, which China calls the “4 + 1 system.” It includes not only the U.S. Dollar (fhe first) the Euro, the Pound Sterling, the [Japanese] Yen but also the Renminbi [also known as Yuan] (the fourth). These are the five SDR components.

In order to strengthen the recognition of the SDR, the Central Bank of China has begun to publish its total foreign exchange reserves – the world’s largest – in both SDR and in U.S. Dollar.

A golden future

However, the Chinese alternative to the dominance of the U.S. Dollar goes much further than the propagation of the paper currencies of the SDR basket. China is obviously aiming at restoring an international gold standard. Most likely it won’t be based on the bankrupt Bretton Woods dollar exchange system, U.S. President Richard Nixon unilaterally terminated in August 1971, when he told the world, that in the future, they would have to swallow the paper Dollar and would not be able to redeem gold with it. At that particular juncture a global inflation — in U.S. Dollar — kicked in, an inflation, that future economic historians will most likely remember as “the greatest inflation ever.”

One estimates that between 1970 and 2000 the global U.S. Dollar circulation rose by more than 2.500 percent. Since then it has expended to well over 3.000 percent: and this, without any legal requirement to secure this U.S. Dollar amount in a predetermined ratio to gold, thus cancelling any worldwide U.S. Dollar inflation restriction. As long as the world is forced to have U.S. Dollars to pay for oil, grain and other goods, Washington can write checks endlessly without any fear of having them burst because of “insufficient cover.”

In conjuction with the fact that since 1971 another silent Wall Street Bank coup d’état has taken place, claiming any hint of representative democracy and constitutional government for itself, we have the craziest money printing machine very similar to Goethe’s 18th century poem: the Sorcerer’s apprentice. The fiat creation of U.S. Dollars has literally run out of control!

Since 2015, China is striving to replace the London, New York and Western Financial hubs responsible for gold fixing rates. As I reported in my longer August 2015 analysis, China and Russia are making great progress, to back up their currencies with gold in order “to make them as good as gold”, while currencies such as the debt ridden Euro or the bankrupt and credit inundated U.S. Dollar are struggling for survival.

In May 2015, China announced that it had established a state owned gold mutual  / investment fund. The initial goal is to create a pool of 16 billion U.S. Dollars and convert it into the largest physical gold-fund in the world. China is also developing a gold mine project along the new high-speed rail lines that have been called the “New Economic Silk Road” or “a road or a belt,” President Xi promotes.

According to China, the goal should be to enable Eurasian countries, along the Silk Road, to raise the backing of their local currencies with gold. Countries along the Silk Road and the BRICS, having the majority of the world population, natural and human resources, would then become completely independent of anything the West has to offer.

In May 2015, China’s Gold market in Shanghai formally established the “Silk Road Gold Fund” (Silk Road Gold Fund.) The two main investors in the new fund were the two largest gold mining Chinese companies: the Shandong Gold Group with 35 percent of the shares and the Shaanxi Gold Group with 25 percent. The Fund will invest in mining projects along the railways of the Eurasian Silk Road and also in the larger not yet explored regions of the Russian Federation.

Very few know thus far that South Africa is no longer the gold king of the world. South Africa is only ranking annual gold production country number seven. China is number one and Russia number two.

On May 11, just before the founding of new China Gold Fund, China’s National Gold Group Corporation signed an agreement with the Russian gold mining group Polyus Gold, Russia’s largest operator of gold mines and one of the ten largest in the world. Both companies will tap the gold deposits at Natalka in the Far East, in the district of Kolyma the province Magadan, which is still considered the largest in Russia.

Recently, the Chinese government and its state-owned companies have shifted their strategy. Today, with the official date of March 2016, China holds more than $ 3.2 trillion of foreign currency as a reserve in its central bank. Of these – it is believed – that about 60 percent, or almost two trillion dollars are in assets such as U.S. Treasuries or quasi-government bonds, mortgage bonds of mortgage companies such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Instead of investing all their dollar revenues from trade surpluses in increasingly inflated and worthless US Treasury bonds, China has set in motion the strategy to purchase assets worldwide.

On top of the Chinese “shopping list” of Beijing’s foreign assets is the purchasing of gold mines around the world. Although the price of gold has tightened slightly since January, it still moves on a five-year low, and many mining companies, threatened by bankruptcy, are in serious need of liquidity. Gold is just about to hit the Renaissance start button.

The beauty of gold is not only the fact that countless buyers use it as a hedge against inflation but is also the most beautiful of all precious metals.

In his work The Republic, Greek philosopher Plato identified five types of forms of government – aristocracy, plutocracy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny, tyranny which is the lowest and most scurrilous of them all. He then lists the aristocracy or the rule of the wise (philosophers’ kings) with the “golden souls” as the highest form of government, which is very kind and of the highest integrity. Throughout the history of mankind, the value of gold has always been appreciated. China, Russia and other Eurasian nations are bringing gold back to where it deserves to be and this is very good indeed.

Frederick William Engdahl

Copyright © 2016 | The copyright of this site is, unless otherwise indicated, the Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg,  Germany | Original German article: http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/enthuellungen/f-william-engdahl/china-bereitet-goldalternative-zum-dollar-system-vor.html | Translation Bruno P. Gebarski.

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Britain & U.S. Pre-WWI “Terror Management” | Winston Churchill | The Reichsbank, The Federal Reserve & The Lusitania Trap (Part Two)

After having won the 1871 war against France, Germany transformed its 300 entities, duchies and city states into a more unified country. In 1876. Germany also started its own central bank, the Reichsbank issuing a Goldmark independently from the Rothschild and Rockefeller central banks criminals of London and Paris. This rapidly allowed Germany to grow enough financial and industrial wealth to become a major European geopolitical and geo-financial power thus threat to both France and Britain.

By 1900, Germany had become the largest steel producer in Europe (1913 steel production: Germany: 19,3 million tons. Britain: 10.4 million tons) with more railway tracks than Britain or France. In 1903, the Naval race between Britain and Germany led the British Navy to build the Lusitania: Coined the “Greyhound of the Seas”, the Lusitania was to become the fastest Atlantic Crossing and to compete with the German Hapag, which dated back to 1847, and Norddeutscher Lloyd (NDL) or North German Lloyd (NGL) formed in 1856.

The Lusitania made her first trip from Liverpool to New York in September 1907. Right before WWI the Lusitania had been transformed for war. Ammunition magazines and concealed gun mounts were fitted on her teak deck standing by for the addition of guns whenever it would be needed.


On May 1, 1915, the ship departed New York City bound for Liverpool. Unknown to her passengers but probably no secret to the Germans, almost all her hidden cargo consisted of munitions and contraband destined for the British war effort. As the fastest ship afloat, the luxurious liner felt secure in the belief she could easily outdistance any submarine. Nonetheless, the menace of submarine attack reduced her passenger list to only half her capacity.


On May 7th, 1915, the Lusitania approached within 12 miles of the southern Irish coast. Winston Churchill, the Lord of the Admiralty, knew that German U-boats were operating in the area after three ships had been sunk in the previous 2 days. Not only did Churchill not come to the assistance of the Lusitania but he ordered her planned escort, the destroyer Juno, to return to Queenstown harbor. Earlier, the Lusitania had been ordered to reduce speed by shutting down one of her four boilers (ostensibly to save coal). She was a sitting duck and the entire Admiralty [Winston Churchill] knew it.

___lusitania-u-boat_FAt 2:10 in the afternoon a torpedo fired by the German submarine U 20 slammed into her side. A mysterious second explosion ripped the liner apart. One thousand one hundred nineteen of the 1,924 aboard died. The dead included 114 Americans which enraged the American public opinion. The political fallout was immediate. President Wilson protested strongly to the Germans. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, a pacifist, resigned. However, the seeds of American animosity towards Germany were sown.” Within two years after Woodrow Wilson waited for his second term reelection before sending America to war in April 2017.

Central banking: the tri-polar pre-WWI financial tension: The Bank of England, the Reichbank and the Federal Reserve.


The propagandist idea behind the Federal Reserve was that the U.S. needed a “powerful banking” entity such as the Bank of England (BoE) as American financiers thought that New York needed to develop its own commercial trading system that could handle bills of exchange in the same way as the London market. The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913 in Jekyll Island and “legalized” by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s government not too long after.

Clipboard_Image 002The “Fed” is a private banking institution that has become a U.S and international financial tapeworm parasite as describe by Catherine Austin Fitts. It destroys markets, capital, middle class, societies and families thus, the very foundation of a healthy and thriving society! Since Post WWII Bretton Woods agreements, its parasite tentacles have expended globally and connected itself to the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank with even more looting organizations such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund). the World Bank and the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), all having one single basic currency packaged into four different “names”: USD, GBP, EUR & ‎¥EN. The CHF (Swiss Franc) should be added to the list since the BIS in Basel is very much part of this international banking cartel. It is very relevant to refer again to G. Edward Griffin’s monumental work on the Federal Reserve: “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve.”

Paul Moritz Warburg (1868 – 1932) was one of the original founders of this “US financial private banking cartel” who drew up the institutional design of the Federal Reserve System. His older brother Max Moritz Warburg (1867 – 1946), a close adviser of Kaiser Wilhelm II. was the German Jewish banker who assisted Germany into financing its WWI expenses. Max Moritz Warburg and his younger brother Paul Moritz were both in favor of an American German financial version of the French-British “Entente Cordiale” in order to erode the British financial and industrial monopoly.

The creation of the German Reichsbank established in 1876. was seen by Britain as a financial threat likely to compete with the Bank of England. From 1873 to 1914 the German Empire introduced the German Goldmark.  At the beginning of WWI the Goldmark was turned into a “Papermark” to become one of the most disastrous financial crisis in German history! The Allies were shrewd enough to demand “Goldmark” payments for WWI compensation and not the fiat “Papermark” legal tender. The German Goldmark became a threat to the London and Washington central bankers: An additional reason why Germany had “to be destroyed.” It would be  worthwhile reading Peter Williamson Campbell‘s work: Britain Was Responsible For WWI, WWII & The Holocaust: Aided And Abetted By The USA And The Vatican to shed more light on the topic of western banking criminality.

The carving out of Germany following WWI by the allies was obvious!  France and Britain wanted to do away with a possible ”German threat” and blend Germany into a European context that should never allow the country, financially and economically, to ever stand up again. Much more was to follow after WWII and the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht coined by French Président François Mitterrand as: “A Versailles Without The War.

Bruno P. Gebarski

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